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The News N° 24
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
The Binational Autonomous Authority
of the Water System TDPS - ALT
in coordi-
nation with the various institutions involved
in the preservation and conservation of the
Lake Titicaca Basin in Bolivia and Peru, orga-
nized on 7, 8 and 9 March 2013 in Puno
"Second International Symposium: For
Lake Titicaca - a shared responsibility".
This event aimed to bring together all the
experts concerned to enrich the scientific and
technical debate and propose to Government
Authorities, alternatives for integrated mana-
gement of water resources shared by the two
countries, as well as management tools for
sustainable use of Lake Titicaca and its basin,
fed by five tributaries: Ramis, Huancané
Coata, Ilave and Suche and the Desaguadero
The Symposium gathered more than three
hundred participants.
The organizers wish to institutionalize the
Symposium as a place for technical and scien-
tific knowledge of the problems and potentia-
lities of Lake Titicaca, in order to build envi-
ronmental responsibility between public and
private stakeholders; with a participatory
Mr. Jean-François Donzier, Secretary of
the International Network of Basin
Organizations (INBO) was invited to
make the introductory speech to the
Symposium on the topic of the best
experiments in basin management
Lake Titicaca
Thorough analysis of the situation in the Basin
Autoridad Binacional Autónoma
del Sistema Hídrico T.D.P.S.
The 3
Mexican National Congress on
River Basin Management was held in
Morelia (State of Michoacán - Mexico)
from 27 to 30 August 2013, at the initia-
tive of the Mexican River Basin Network
The main objective of the event was to
advance river basin management in Mexico
to meet the urgent problems related to water
Conferences, round tables, technical sessions
allowed researchers, representatives of
governmental institutions, non-governmental
organizations and user communities to
address important issues such as climate
change, participatory management, the need
for and interdisciplinary approach and know-
ledge sharing.
On this occasion,
the third national mee-
ting of the Operational Directorates of
Basin Councils
was held on August 27 with
a view to improving the role and functioning
of these institutions created by federal law in
Mr. JF. Donzier, Technical Secretary of
the International Network of Basin
Organizations (INBO)
was invited to pre-
sent a keynote speech on best practices
implemented by basin organizations in diffe-
rent parts of the world.
The National Water Commission (Comi-
sion Nacional del Agua - Conagua)
sented the national water policy for 2013-
Delegates from various Mexican Basin Com-
mittees spoke about their practical field expe-
National Congress on River Basin Management
More than 300 participants at the Symposium
Third National Meeting of the Operational Directorates of Basin Councils