IOWater - the International News - page 20

The News N° 24 - March 2014
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
Peru has started a major reform of its water
policy. In 2012, a new law reformed the cal-
culation of economic ”retributions” (fees) for
water use and wastewater discharge.
Today, these fees are already collected accor-
ding to this new methodology.
The International Office for Water
brought its expertise for the definition
of this methodology, being ambitious,
pragmatic but also socially and econo-
mically acceptable.
This support was realized through a
project funded by the World Bank.
On 26 September 2013 in Lima, the
Artois-Picardy Water Agency signed an
institutional cooperation agreement
with the Peruvian National Water
Agency (ANA) and the "Chili" River Basin
(Arequipa area) implemented with the
support of the International Office for
This cooperation mainly covers the collection
of economic ”retributions” (fees), the deve-
lopment of a River Basin Management Plan
and the functioning of the Chili River Basin
Visits to the Artois-Picardy Basin are planned
in 2014.
Twinning between river basins:
Quilca Chili in Peru
and Artois-Picardy in France
Under the agreement signed by
the Natio-
nal Water Authority (ANA) and the
French Artois-Picardy Water Agency,
French specialists went to Arequipa, to
share experiences with stakeholders of the
Quilca-Chili Basin.
In addition to meetings with members of
the Basin’s Water Resources Council, the
French experts made several field visits,
especially at the water intake for the supply
of Arequipa (Tomilla I station) and at the
Charcani I hydropower plant.
They also met with the Directorate General
of SEDAPAR which presented the wastewa-
ter treatment project of the Enlozada plant.
Signing of the cooperation agreement between ANA
and the Artois-Picary Water Agency
of the French
and European
water policy
On the occasion of the International Sympo-
sium on Lake Titicaca organized on 7, 8 and
9 March 2013,
Mr. Jean-François
Donzier, Secretary of International
Network of Basin Organizations
was invited by the President of
National Water Authority
to give in Lima
a keynote speech on the water policy ap-
plied in France for 50 years.
Establishment of economic ”retributions” (fees) in river basins
Conference on French Water Policy - ANA - Lima - March 2013
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