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The News N° 24
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
Volta Basin Authority (VBA)
Implementation of priority actions of the 2010-2014 Strategic Plan
The project for capacity building of the
Volta Basin Authority (VBA) is funded by
the European Union (ACP-EU Water Faci-
lity), the Seine-Normandy Water Agency
(AESN) and the French Development
Agency (AFD).
Since 2012,
has been implementing the
project, which aims to build the capacity of:
The Stakeholders Forum for Basin Develop-
ment, an advisory body of VBA;
The Experts’ Committee, VBA executive
The Executive Directorate.
In January-February 2013, Members of the
Experts’ Committee and Executive Directorate
made a visit to the Seine-Normandy and Adour-
Garonne Water Agencies and met in Toulouse
members of the planning commission, DREAL
(Regional Directorate for the Environment,
Development and Housing) and of the Coteaux
de Gascogne Development Company (CACG).
The project also allowed the participation of the
VBA Executive Director in
INBO World Gene-
ral Assembly held in Fortaleza, Brazil,
from 12 to 16 August 2013.
He was able to
participate in the topical roundtable "Institutio-
nal frameworks for action of Basin Organiza-
tions, of local authorities, water users and the
public, role of Basin Committees" and exchange
with his counterparts in charge of Transboun-
dary Basin Authorities.
Finally, the second meeting of the VBA Stake-
holders’ Forum was held from 21 to 23 October
It has strengthened the relations between the
various stakeholders of the six VBA Member
At the same time, an expert from the Adour-
Garonne Water Agency presented the dialogue
process in the river basin and made recommen-
dations for the functioning of the Stakeholders’
Forum and an
expert led a session on
the preparation of the Master Plan for Water
Development and Management.
Particular attention will be paid to information
and communication to the general public about
the VBA activities.
The Nakanbé and Mouhoun Water Agencies
The Water Agencies were established in Bur-
kina Faso by the orientation law on water
management of February 2001.
The Decree of June 2003 determining
the areas of responsibility of the struc-
tures in charge of water resources
management, has divided the country
into five areas: Cascades, Gourma, Lip-
tako, Mouhoun and Nakanbé.
In October 2010, the Loire-Brittany and
Nakanbé Water Agencies signed a Memoran-
dum of Understanding for cooperation in the
development of joint actions in the field of
Integrated Water Resources Management
as executive agency.
An institutional cooperation project was also
implemented in late 2013 by the Adour-
Garonne and Seine-Normandy Water Agen-
cies and the Mouhoun Water Agency.
Since 2013, an institutional cooperation pro-
ject has associated the Loire-Brittany Water
Agency with the White Volta Basin Board in
Ghana, downstream continuity of the
Nakanbé River Basin.
In addition to direct collaboration between
agencies, these institutional cooperation pro-
jects strengthen the policy framework and
facilitate the implementation of common
cause projects in connection with the Water
Development and Management Plans of the
concerned river basins.
The Nakanbé River
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