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FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
The News N° 24
to Mombasa Water
Since 2010,
has been committed
in an important project of as-
sistance to
the Water and Sanitation
Company of Mombasa (MOWASCO),
Kenya, funded by
the French Develop-
ment Agency.
During the three years of the project,
conducted an audit of the organization and of
all activities of the company (418 employees)
to highlight the difficulties and challenges.
A new organizational chart was proposed
and approved by the Directorate General,
with a clear definition for each department of
the company, its functions, activities, organi-
zation, number of employees and required
qualifications, as well as performance indica-
A training plan was also proposed.
The last year of the project allowed the instal-
lation of
new software for billing and
customer management,
as well as an ex-
tensive field survey carried out to update the
customer database.
The new software has been used by MO-
WASCO since the beginning of 2013.
The staff has been trained on new functiona-
lities and working procedures.
An employee of the computer department
has also received intensive training on the
administration of the software.
A connection was established between the
various agencies that now have instant ac-
cess to updated information about custo-
mers, and the possibility to multiply the
points of payment.
These new provisions should improve
the service to users and effectiveness of
the commercial department of the com-
The International Office for Water
continued its activities in the Democratic Repu-
blic of the Congo (DRC) by developing a five-
year training plan, funded by
the African De-
velopment Bank,
taking into account the
needs for capacity building of the staffs of the
the Sanitation Department
(DAS), the National Rural Water Service (SNHR)
and the National Action Committee on Water
and Sanitation (CNAEA).
In collaboration with the REGIDESO’s Training
has achieved an assess-
ment of the human resource management po-
licy of these organizations and proposed a trai-
ning plan and a training policy specific to each
This action confirms the collaboration,
started in 2004, between the “REGI-
DESO” and IOWater.
Democratic Republic
of the Congo
Developing a training plan
As part of the Drinking Water Supply in Urban
Areas Project, the Water Project execution Cell
of the “REGIDESO”, with financial support from
the World Bank, entrusted
the International
Office for Water (IOWater)
with the deve-
lopment and facilitation of a training seminar
on planning of drinking water supply projects.
During several workshops, the participants
practiced in project planning and manage-
ment, risk identification and assessment of its
impact, and in the development of strategies
for communication to the population on drin-
king water supply.
This two-week seminar gathered, in Kins-
hasa, 12 senior executives of the Ministry of
Water Resources and Electricity in charge of
implementing the equipment program to
double the number of inhabitants with access
to drinking water by 2016.
This ambitious goal can be achieved
with the establishment of an effective
organization and well-trained staffs.
View of the third treatment process
at the Ndjili drinking water treatment plant in Kinshasa
Group of trainees being
trained at the “REGIDESO”
Training on planning for executives
from the Ministry of Water Resources
and Electricity