The News N° 24 - March 2014
inTeRnaTional evenTs
The OECD Initiative on Water Governance ga-
thers representatives of national Govern-
ments, regional, local and basin Authorities,
the private sector, NGOs, service providers, re-
gulators, international organizations, donors
and independent experts.
In total, 25 countries are involved.
The Initiative was developed in partner-
ship with Suez Environment, ASTEE, the
International Network of Basin Organi-
zations, the International Office for Wa-
ter, UNESCO, the Water Integrity Net-
work, Stockholm International Water
Institute and Transparency International
which facilitate various working Groups.
Several institutions emphasized the lack of in-
formation on relevant case studies, best prac-
tices and expertise, which often hinders deci-
sion makers in the water sector and prevent
the effective implementation of appropriate
Participants mentioned the need to share
knowledge, encourage peer-learning and al-
low benchmarking.
It is particularly important to involve stakehol-
ders coming from outside the water commu-
nity: the Initiative associates representatives
from the energy and agricultural sectors, Par-
liamentarians and Elected Officials, media,
consumer associations, trade unions, private
companies and the civil society.
Initiative on water governance
the Water Summit
held in Budapest
last October, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary
General, stressed the important role of water
in sustainable development.
He presented three priority areas where water
is essential for development: food security,
adaptation to climate change and sanitation.
Mr. Jean-François Donzier,
Manager, was invited to lead the session on
Water Governance in the Civil Society Forum
organized within the Summit, during which
he presented an introductory framework pa-
Ban Ki-moon: Water is the key to sustainable development
Mr. Ban Ki-moon at the opening of the Water Summit
Photo: UN/Paulo Filgueiras
The water world
on the Web
7,550,000 visitors
in 2013!
meeting of the OECD initiative
Paris - 27 - 28 March 2013