IOWater - the International News - page 24

After Marseilles in 2012, Daegu, South
Korea, will host the 7
World Water Fo-
rum from 12 to 17 April 2015.
The kick-off meeting was held from 13 to 15
May 2013 in Seoul and Daegu, with more
than 500 experts from 41 countries.
A roadmap was established, divided into
different processes (thematic / regional / poli-
tical / technological) for the preparation of the
The International Network of Basin Or-
participated in this kick off mee-
ting, including in the roundtable on water
governance and transboundary basin mana-
Mr. Jean-François Donzier
also presented the Regional Pro-
cess for Europe which was coor-
dinated by
International Of-
fice for Water
and developed
for preparing
the 6
World Fo-
rum in Marseilles
in 2011 and
A stakeholders’ consultation
meeting also took place on
27 and 28 February 2014 in
The News N° 24 - March 2014
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
Aquatech China 2013
Presentation of the French expertise
At the
”Aquatech China”
Exhibition, which
took place in Shanghai from 5 to 7 June past,
a delegation was invited to present the French
experience in the management of drinking
water supply and sanitation utilities.
Mr. Jean-François Donzier, IOWater
General Manager,
presented the organiza-
tion of water management in France, inclu-
ding the role of Municipalities and of their
possible delegatees for drinking water supply
and sanitation.
Messrs. Daniel Marcovitch, SIAAP Vice-
presented the role and organiza-
tion of the Interdepartmental Syndicate for
Sanitation of Greater Paris and
the innovative sanitation technolo-
gies that are implemented in Paris agglomera-
More than 250 Chinese participants
attended the presentation.
Asia-Europe Meeting
ASEM is working on the conservation of water resources
ASEM (Asia Europe Meeting) is an informal in-
tergovernmental dialogue to strengthen the
partnership between Asian countries and Eu-
In June 2012, a dialogue on sustainable deve-
lopment and the environment took place in
In this context and at the initiative of
Vietnam, a conference was held from
20 to 23 March 2013 in Can Tho in the
Mekong Delta, on the topic of water
resources and river basin management.
Nearly 150 delegates from 51 ASEM Member
Countries and relevant organizations presen-
ted measures to assist these Countries in
adopting a model for sustainable develop-
Thus, new approaches were proposed for po-
verty alleviation and food security, infrastruc-
ture construction and the establishment of ins-
titutions to adapt to the impacts of climate
Mr. Jean-François Donzier, General
Manager of the International Office for
made, on behalf of France, a speech
on the French and European water manage-
ment policies, and presented the cooperation
actions carried out on this topic by France in
Asia, particularly in China and in the Mekong
River Basin.
South Korea
Preparation of the 7
World Water Forum - Daegu 2015
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