The News N° 24 - March 2014
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
Support to “CEMEAU”
(Water Training Center)
Since the late 1980s,
the National Water
and Sanitation Agency (ONEA)
has esta-
blished a Professional Training Center (PTC).
Since then, new strategic orientations have
been given for the water sector in Burkina
Faso, mainly marked by the sector decentrali-
zation to Local Authorities.
In 2009, the German Cooperation Agency
(GTZ) entrusted
with a Feasibility
Study on the transformation of the former PTC
into a
Water Training Center (CEMEAU),
with a vision to open but also to expand its
training offer to different audiences concer-
ned by the sector Reform. The “CEMEAU”
was established in March 2010.
The German Cooperation-SEG Water and
Sanitation Program (WSP-GIZ), now in its
third stage (2013 - 2015), includes a strong
“Professional Skills Development” compo-
The support to “CEMEAU”,
carried out by the
group, plans see-
king for a balanced budget,
organizational develop-
ment and the building of
the skills of its manage-
ment staff and its technical
This component supports
the ONEA HRD in impro-
ving the training plan, but
also the National School of
Administration and Magis-
trature (ENAM) in the development of a conti-
nuous and basic training offer for officers of
Local Authorities for the WSS sector.
In the major actions implemented in
2013, we should mention the building
of new equipment and teaching facili-
(indoor workshops, outdoor training
platforms), that have been made possible by
significant financial support from Danish
Cooperation (DANIDA).
These equipments and training materials,
necessary for the completion of directly ope-
rational training courses, rely on the recogni-
zed know-how of
OIWater ’s National
Water Training Center (NWTC).
Burkina Faso
Water and Sanitation Program
Workshop with ONEA experts - May 2013
Rand Water and the International Office
for Water (IOWater) signed on 25 July
2013 a "Memorandum of Understanding
which strengthens their partnership
already started in 2012 and which allows
foreseeing many areas for collaboration.
The MoU was signed by Mr. Moabi Mosotho
PETLANE, President of Rand Water, Mr. Pierre
ROUSSEL, President of
Mr. Kumalo Dinizulu Percival SECHEMANE,
CEO of Rand Water.
This partnership had already been initiated in
April 2012 by a visit of executives of Rand
Water to
the French National Water Trai-
ning Center (NWTC) of IOWater.
Very quickly, under the project of creating
Rand Water Water Academy
in Johannes-
had trained a team of 8 trai-
ners for a month in July 2012.
This training had been designed to enhance
the knowledge of South African engineers on
drinking water and wastewater technologies,
but also to familiarize the trainers to the use of
the educational platforms to carry out practi-
cal work.
In 2013,
trained 15 engineers and
Heads of Service on maintenance, health and
safety issues. It organized a one-week study
tour in France on "Management of changes in
Water and Sanitation Services".
provided support for the definition,
design and startup of
the Rand Water Aca-
demy (RWA).
In addition,
will have to define tech-
nical specifications for some educational plat-
forms that will be located on the site of the
future training center.
It is also expected that Rand Water becomes a
member of
s Board of Directors.
Finally, in 2014, Rand Water and IOWa-
ter have planned to carry out 10 inter-
company training courses in South
to increase the influence of
Water Academy
over the South African trai-
ning market in the water sector.
South Africa
Rand Water and IOWater are confirming their partnership
Signing of the MoU
in Limoges on 25 July 2013