IOWater - the International News - page 21

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The News N° 24
New Caledonia
Framework agreement with the City of Noumea
Started five years ago, the collaboration bet-
the International Office for Water
and the City of Noumea has been
confirmed by the signing of a 3-year frame-
work agreement on technical assistance in
drinking water supply and sanitation .
is committed to provide its
expertise to the City of Noumea when faced
with sanitation or drinking water supply pro-
In particular since 2012,
has achie-
the following technical assistance
assignments for the City of Noumea:
Summary on the impacts of septic
on sanitation systems,
Optimization of pretreatments at the
Anse Vata wastewater treatment
Correction of hydraulic problems dis-
rupting treatment efficiency at the
Anse Vata wastewater treatment
plant and analysis of the status of
nozzles for the fine bubble aeration
of the activated sludge system.
In 2013, a training module was completed on
civil engineering in water treatment plants.
Similarly, a training activity shared between
different municipalities and “Caledonian
Waters” was scheduled in Noumea in Novem-
ber 2013 on the control of odors in commu-
nity sewerage systems.
Anse Vata wastewater treatment plant
Pilot Project for the Stung Sen River Basin
After the two decentralized cooperation
projects of the Loire-Brittany, Seine-Nor-
mandy and Rhine-Meuse Water Agen-
cies carried out in the Mekong countries,
a pilot project, coordinated by IOWater,
began in late 2012 for two years in the
Stung Sen River Basin, main tributary of
the Tonle Sap in Cambodia.
The Stung Sen River, with a length of 520 km,
is currently being studied to build two dams
for hydropower and agricultural purposes.
The work done focused on the initial stages of
the planning process (assessment, characteri-
zation of the basin) and on the establishment
of a sub-basin committee for the Stung Sen
Training courses carried out during short term
missions of French experts helped provide the
team of the Tonle Sap Authority and some key
people of
the Ministry of Water Resources
and Meteorology (MOWRAM)
with a solid
knowledge base on River Basin Management.
Many field assignments were completed to
advance the characterization of the basin.
At the end of 2013,
the Stung Sen Sub-
basin Committee,
attached to the Tonle Sap
River Basin District, met for the first time in the
presence of the Minister of MOWRAM and a
delegation from the Loire-Brittany Water
At national level,
the National Council for
Water Resources Management (NCWRM)
and 7 Basin Committees were established by
MOWRAM for the major river basins of the
country, including the Tonle Sap.
The General Secretariat of NCRWM was desi-
gnated as responsible for coordinating these
Basin Committees.
Meeting with local elected officials
on 20 May in Kampong Thom
The Stung Sen River
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