IOWater - the International News - page 32

The News N° 24 - March 2014
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
In accordance with the European Water Fra-
mework Directive (WFD), the French Basin
Committees launched a public consultation to
update the Management Plans and Programs
of Measures for the next 2016-2021 period.
The Directorate of the Environment,
Development and Housing and the
Water Board (ODE) of the Martinique
Island asked IOWater to accompany
them in the organization of a new
public consultation planned by the
The consultation allowed checking if the
water issues identified in 2006 for the 2010-
2015 Management Plan are still relevant:
What are now the key issues and priorities for
better management of water and aquatic
environments in the Martinique?
This question was submitted to the Marti-
nique population between 5 November 2012
and 4 May 2013.
The Basin Committee of the Martinique,
anxious to seek the opinion of the population,
developed an innovative consulting strategy
by mixing traditional tools, such as a website
and consultation questionnaire, with specific
20 ”blue ambassadors” toured the
island to inform and gather opinions,
five public meetings and a seminar for
water stakeholders were organized.
helped the Basin Committee in draf-
ting the questionnaire, in organizing and faci-
litating these meetings with the public and
2,000 people responded to the consul-
Public Consultation
in the Martinique
IOWater alongside the Basin Committee
The Siagne is a permanent coastal river that
flows into the Mediterranean Sea in the South
of France.
Launching of the assessment:
Multiple pressures especially linked to drin-
king water supply and energy production
have led to request that
a Water Develop-
ment and Management Plan (SAGE)
developed to preserve the resource.
This ”SAGE” was launched on 7 July
2010 and the Local Water Commission
(LWC) established on 14 May 2013.
ACTeon and
were designated to
participate in the assessment. This study
began in spring 2013 and will run for two
Ambitious targets:
Achieving a mobilization of all basin sta-
keholders to ensure their effective partici-
Collecting and completing the relevant
data on selected issues;
Ensuring the right level of detail and
quantification of analyses;
Building contrasting and operational
scenarios by using participatory methods;
Contributing to strong governance.
Kick-off meeting of the LWC
June 2013
A ”SAGE” - Siagne River
IOWater is equipping
the new Laboratory
of the Engineering Division
of ”EDF” Chinon
Since 2007, IOWater has designed and
developed equipment and several tes-
ting units for the various laboratories of
Electricity of France - EDF - Research and
Development Division (EDF R&D).
The ”EDF CEIDRE” engineering unit
(Center of Expertise and Inspection on Pro-
duction and Operation) decided to entrust
with the restoration of units for its
future Chinon Laboratory.
This test unit consists of several test loops
representative of the cooling circuit of Nuclear
Power Plants (NPP) and associated equip-
ment. The peculiarity of this unit is, in a sus-
tainable development rationale, to be partly
made up of existing units.
The units, developed, built and tested in
2013 at
center of La Souterraine,
will be installed next spring on the Chinon
General view of the cooling towers
under construction in IOWater workshops
of La Souterraine
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