IOWater - the International News - page 35

FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
The News N° 24
This portal has been open to the public
since 2009. It provides access to more
than 63,000 documentary records and
many full text study reports, made avai-
lable by 19 contributing French public
the Ministry for Ecology, ”ONEMA”, the Water
Agencies, Research Organizations (IRSTEA,
IFREMER, INRA, BRGM), 4 relay centers for
wetlands, the Water Boards of the Martinique
and Reunion and
Centered on a powerful search engine,
the portal has gradually been enriched
with new functionalities and services
such as pre-selection of documents
(news list, filtering per topic) and map
The search interface has also been improved
by the introduction of search support systems
based on
the Water Thesaurus©.
The French national documentary portal
on water and aquatic environments
to water data
Resulting from cooperation between
”ONEMA”, ”BRGM” and IOWater, this
website, opened in 2013, offers free
access to data on water, aquatic envi-
ronments and their uses, published on
the ”Eaufrance” websites.
”Open Data” is a process for online publica-
tion of digital data structured according to an
approach that guarantees their free access
and reuse by all, without any technical, legal
or financial restriction.
These data are offered free of charge in usa-
ble electronic formats and under open
Information: Fax: +33 5 55 11 47 48 - E-mail:
has updated the panorama of sta-
keholders in Research & Development wor-
king in the field of water and aquatic environ-
ments (number of R & D jobs, number of
research units, etc.) in France and in 12 coun-
tries of the European Union.
Panorama of Research
& Development work
”Naïades” allows storing the results of
measurements of the quality of rivers
and lakes
which takes care of
established a common termino-
logy and interchange formats used by all sta-
keholders concerned in Metropolitan France
and Overseas Departments.
The project, led by ”ONEMA”, involves the
Agencies and Overseas Water Boards, the
Regional Directorates of the Environment
(Dreals), ”IRSTEA”, but also
has provided training for stakeholders since
Topical guides
has written users’ guides adapted
to the different stakeholders involved in the
process of data acquisition.
French National data bank
on the quality of rivers and lakes
The water world
on the Web
7,550,000 visitors
in 2013!
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