IOWater - the International News - page 39

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FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
Since the beginning of 2010,
the German
Cooperation Agency GIZ has led a pro-
ject on ”Training capacity building in the
environmental sector in the Maghreb”.
As part of the ”Solid Waste” component of
this project, GIZ entrusted the
Office for Water
with a 6-week training in
France and Algeria.
The Algerian recipients of these training
courses were engineers from the Ministry of
Regional Planning and Environment, the
National Waste Agency, the National Conser-
vatory of Environmental Training and chiefs of
waste services of Annaba and Ghardaia
Some of these participants had the respon-
sibility of transmitting this acquired know-
ledge through training activities in Algeria:
assignments for coaching these trainers were
conducted by
in 2013, especially as
a support to the drafting of experts’ reports for
the cities of Ghardaia and Annaba.
Coaching in the field
of waste management
The Mediterranean Network of Water
Training Centers was launched at the
World Water Forum in Marseilles in
March 2012.
Within the scope of
the International Net-
work of Water Training Centers (INWTC)
it aims to facilitate the exchange of know-
ledge between professional training centers
facing similar problems and build their capa-
city to meet the training needs of administra-
tions and services responsible for water
management and supply and infrastructure
The Network members wish that the
essential role of vocational training be
recognized in improving the quality of
water services.
Several Founder Members gathered, in
November 2012 at the Secretariat of
Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)
Barcelona, to prepare a large project of activi-
ties to be presented to the UfM for labeling.
The Network website, initially in French and
English, in Arabic at a later stage, will be a
platform for exchange on professional trai-
ning in the water and sanitation sector at first.
A forum will allow everyone to express them-
selves and feeding studies including
a cost-
benefit analysis of continuing training
to convince, if still necessary, decision-
makers and donors of the importance of
sustainable funding for training.
The Partners of this Mediterranean network
indeed recognize the need to develop a
strong argument in favor of professional trai-
ning on water and to have common promo-
tional and communication tools.
The financial support granted by the
Ile-de-France Region allowed starting
these activities.
The Network is a flexible and open structure
based on the principle of voluntary member-
ship and shared wish of its members to work
It is also intended to be extended far beyond
the founder members and has the objective of
gathering the main Mediterranean water trai-
ning centers within five years.
The Mediterranean Network of Water Training Centers
Coaching of trainers in the waste sector
Algiers, November 2013
National Sanitation
Under the water and sanitation sector sup-
port program in Algeria, led by
the Minis-
try of Water Resources (MRE) with the
support of the European Union, the
National Sanitation Agency (ONA)
entrusted IOWater with a mission to
help in the design and launching of its
Sanitation Training Center (STC).
This mission consists in developing technical
specifications for the educational platforms
and in helping ONA in the preparation of invi-
tations to tender for their implementation.
In November 2013,
also carried
out a six-week training of ONA trainers on
the use of educational units, during practical
work in
IOWater’s National Water Trai-
ning Center
in France.
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