The News N° 24 - March 2014
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
The International Office for Water parti-
cipates, with the Austrian Environment
Agency, ”INERIS” and the Swedish Che-
micals Agency, in the implementation of
the European twinning agreement "Ins-
titutional Support to the management
and control of chemicals in Tunisia".
This project aims to promote in Tunisia an
industry more respectful of health and the
environment while increasing its competitive-
ness and preparing the Tunisian industrial
sector to managerial, organizational and
technological changes related to the imple-
mentation of the European
tion, Evaluation, Authorization and Restric-
tion of Chemicals) and
regulations (Clas-
sification, Labeling and Packaging of dange-
rous chemicals).
The International Office for Water
contributes to the strengthening of the
legal basis, the establishment of an ins-
titutional organization and to the capa-
city building of the Tunisian Technical
Chemical Center.
This project is funded by the European Union
and is being carried out between March 2012
and March 2014.
European twinning agreement on the management
and control of chemicals
Training courses on sanitation duties at ONAS
Under the technical assis-
tance contract ONAS IV, of
which the IGIP consulting
firm is the owner,
French National Water Training Center
(NWTC) of the International Office for
Water (IOWater) designed and carried
out two training programs for the staff
of the National Sanitation Agency
These training programs cover the duties of a
”Manager of a wastewater treatment
”Technician in electrical
These two programs allowed achieving
20 training courses in Tunisia, by defining a
training content very suitable to the tasks of
these professionals.
Emphasis was also given on field practice by
systematically planning practical work on
With a view to monitoring the progress of the
trainees’ knowledge,
an evaluation sys-
tem was developed for assessing the
acquired knowledge
before and after the
training sessions were completed.
Training courses at ONAS
Management and optimization of water and financial resources
Managing water resources by optimizing
budget allocation is at the core of the current
problems of the Tunisian Government.
Aware of this need,
Swiss Cooperation
acting in the province of Kasserine in
Tunisia requested the International
Office for Water (IOWater) to provide
training on the water-network mode-
ling tool EPANET.
Organized in Kasserine on the premises of
Swiss Cooperation, the training course was
carried out for the benefit of engineers of its
staff and members of the Tunisian administra-
tion in charge of projects on rural water sys-
tems in the Province. The aim was to support
the system designers, to transmit them the
features of the software, with all the subtle-
ties and intricacies that are not found in text-
books, and adapt the software implementa-
tion to the conditions encountered in their
The experience of
its knowledge of
Tunisia and its mastery of the software allo-
wed meeting the expectations of the partici-
pants, providing them excellent transmission
of knowledge and immediate implementa-
tion of the system modeling for all users of
irrigation and water supply systems.
Training carried out in Kasserine