The News N° 24 - March 2014
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
Water Framework Directive,
Twinning Project
on Monitoring
This European twinning project on the
implementation of the Framework
Directive has been led since September
2011 by the Netherlands, France and
Spain and aims to support the Turkish
Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs in
the development of Monitoring Plans
for six pilot basins and a National Moni-
toring Plan to assess the ecological sta-
tus of rivers, lakes, transitional and
coastal waters.
On the French side, experts from the Ministry
of Ecology (MEDDE), Seine-Normandy Water
Agency, ”IRSTEA”, ”IFREMER”, coordinated by
are contributing to this work.
After several training courses in Turkey, a
study tour in France, from 6 to 12 October
2013, allowed a delegation of 22 Turkish offi-
cials to better understand the institutional
organization and practical aspects of monito-
ring plans in France. Several field visits allo-
wed illustrating concretely the explanations
on the roles of each institution or on the
methods used.
Flood Directive Twinning
The European twinning project "Capa-
city building for the implementation of
the Flood Directive" aims to support the
Water Management Directorate Gene-
ral of the Ministry of Forestry and Water
Affairs in its new coordination mission
for better flood risk management in Tur-
This project was set up for two years with the
support of key French and Romanian public
institutions working on this Directive in their
respective countries: Directorate General for
Risk Prevention (MEDDE), The Mediterranean
Technical Research Center of Public Works
(CEREMA), the Romanian National Adminis-
tration ”Apele Romane” and its Institute of
Hydrology and Water Management.
The project objectives are in particular:
Transposition of the Flood Directive
into the Turkish legislation
and adap-
tation of the institutional organization;
Practical implementation of the three
steps of preparing
a Flood Risk Mana-
gement Plan in the ”Bati Karadeniz”
pilot River Basin
flowing out into the
Black Sea, especially the organization of a
consultation of users within a Basin Com-
Drafting of a methodological guide
and carrying out training courses
disseminate the lessons learned in the
pilot basin to three other basins under the
twinning agreement and later to the
other Turkish river basins;
Preparation of the National Plan for
the implementation of the Flood
integrating an economic ana-
Twinning project on the
Bathing Water Directive
Starting in January 2013 for two years,
the European Twinning project on the
Bathing Water Directive in Turkey is led
by the International Office for Water on
behalf of the French Ministry of Health
and Social Affairs in cooperation with
the Italian Minoprio, mandated by the
Lombardy Regional Council.
The Bathing Water Directive introduces a glo-
bal strategy based on:
New calculation methods for a more
representative assessment of water qua-
lity and classification of bathing areas;
Improvement of data quality;
Development of profiles for bathing
areas, with an Action Plan to improve
water quality;
Implementation of management mea-
sures in exceptional circumstances;
Taking into account the risks associated
with cyanobacteria;
Better public information;
Improvement of the technical capacities
of control laboratories.
The first results and the newsletter of the pro-
ject are available on the dedicated website, in
English and Turkish languages.
Three European institutional twinning projects
Kick-off meeting of the “Bathing Waters” twinning project - Ankara - February 2013
Flood risk map of an area
of the ”Bati Karadeniz” pilot Basin