IOWater - the International News - page 37

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The News N° 24
As part of the project to ”update the
technical standards for design and
construction in the field of water and
sanitation in Albania”,
funded by
French Ministry of Economy (FASEP),
IOWater produced eight technical
which aimed at making the Alba-
nian engineering and construction sector
more independent, and at improving the qua-
lity of water and sanitation achievements:
Earth moving work and trenches;
Pumping station;
Drinking water treatment;
Drinking water supply systems;
Sewer networks;
Community wastewater treatment;
On-site sanitation and septage
These booklets detail the minimum technical
requirements for the design and construction
of all structures used for drinking water sup-
ply and wastewater treatment that must be
compatible with the European standards.
The booklets were given in English and Alba-
nian to the Albanian Ministry of Public Works
and Transport at the project closing seminar
in the presence of the French Ambassador in
Albania, the regional representative of the
French Economic Department and enterprises
belonging to the ”FASEP club”, which suppor-
ted the project.
Updating of national technical standards
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
Institutional Support to the Ministry of Environment
and Spatial Planning (MESP)
In December 2011, a European twin-
ning project was launched in order to
build the capacity of the Ministry of
Environment and Spatial Planning
(MESP) and of stakeholders to complete
and enforce the legislation on water,
the management of river basins, of
water infrastructure, including dams,
and waste, urban development, protec-
tion of nature and biodiversity.
France is participating to this twinning, as
Junior Partner with Italy.
Considering the broad scope of activities
devoted to legislative framework, waste and
water management but also spatial planning
and nature protection,
the French Ministry
of Ecology, Sustainable Development
and Energy is coordinating the various
French Institutions that are intervening
in this 2-year project.
the water component,
experts from the
French Ministry of Ecology, Rhine-Meuse
Water Agency and
International Office for
are working jointly with their Kosovar
counterparts to exchange on experiences and
to draft recommendations on
the imple-
mentation of the Water Framework
Directive and to develop River Basin
Management Plans, pollution control,
and to strengthen the Water Informa-
tion System in Kosovo.
Seminar for the presentation of the technical
standards for the drinking water supply sector
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