IOWater - the International News - page 35

FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
The News N° 25
French National Service forWater Data and Common Reference FramesManagement
Establishinga common
The French National Service for Water
Data and Common Reference Frames
Management (SANDRE)
was created in
1993 to simplify the exchange of data bet-
ween the various stakeholders involved.
It thus offers a unique interchange interface
andaddresses theneed toestablisha common
language between partners from the water
Through “SANDRE”,many tools are then
developed to allow the stakeholders
concerned tomake their informationsys-
tems interoperable:
dictionaries and inter-
active exchange scenarios, web services, refe-
rence data, a cartographic atlas, a metadata
catalogue, audits of computer systems, com-
pliance labels, etc.
“SANDRE” is proposing more than
20,000 pages of technical specifications.
It establishes compliance labels for over
15,000 files per year and more than
30,000 interventions (taxons, subs-
tances, etc.). Its website receives more
than250,000visitors a year.
IOWater takes care of “SANDRE” Techni-
cal Secretariat with the support of the
National Agency for Water and Aquatic
Environments (ONEMA).
Adapting to the stakeholders’
For example, each year in France, more than
tenmillion results of water analyses (drinking
water, surface water, groundwater, coastal
water, wastewater,…) are produced and
exchanged between analysis laboratories and
partners (ARS, DREAL,Water Agencies, indus-
IOWater, as “SANDRE” Secretariat,
ked out, with the support of theMinistries in
charge of the Environment and Health and
ONEMA andwith the assistance of a group of
experts, a standard for data interchange:
Theorder of 29November 2006, stipulates, in
article 3, that any laboratory must from now
on be able to receive a request for analyses
and to provide results in the
The stakeholders must change their informa-
tion systems by developing an interchange
interface in conformity with the
standard, version2published in2014.
Extension toother fields
IOWater also intervenes for:
Under the European INSPIRE
Directive, IOWater isacontri-
buting member to the wri-
ting of specifications on the
interchangeofwater data.
An approximating of
models was published on our
The new dictionaries of
data on
wetlands, river and administrative reference
frames arenow compatiblewith thisDirective.
Anonlineservice isalreadybeing tested;
it allows anyWISuser to transforma file
in ”SANDRE” format into the INSPIRE
The communities of research, standardization
and industry were gathered to participate in
the first Interoperability and Innovation Days.
On this occasion,
presented the
semantic repositories for the sha-
ring anddisseminationof geographic data.
Meetingnational needs
Secretariat, is contri-
buting to national projects developed by the
partners of the French Water Information
System (WIS):
hasdevelopeda service to transform
XML file into a more readable
format for the user. This service also controls
thedata and issues certificates.
The graph below shows the number of
certificates (in percentage) issued
to water stakeholders in 2014 by type of
exchange scenario.
IOWater controls the geographic data
collected fromWISdataproducers.
These data are then published on
”SANDRE” website in the atlas and
metadata catalogue.
”SANDRE” Conference - Pollutec Lyons 2014
Interoperability and InnovationDays
ENSG Paris
Information - Documentation - DataManagement
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