IOWater - the International News - page 31

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The News N° 25
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
In 2014, two new educational and tes-
ting units for drinkingwater production
were completed with professional
equipment on the IOWater-FNWTC site
at La Souterraine:
The first one
is awater remineraliza-
tion unit with injection of carbon
dioxide and micronized lime milk.
come of test studies made after the termina-
tion of maerl extraction in Glénans, it allows
providing solutions for communities to remi-
neralize their drinkingwater.
This fully automated unit, with sensors for
measuring turbidity and pH parameters, is
placed in a container and is thus entirely
mobile, which allows for on-site testing to
determine the treatment rates to be used for
CO2andmicronized limemilk, and their asso-
ciated costs.
Many partners have helped to complete this
project, including the General Council of the
Creuse, the Loire-Brittany Water Agency, the
Limousin ARS, Veolia Water, SAUR, Air Pro-
ducts, Comap, Sofrel and Lhoist.
The second unit
achieves training on
operating ultrafiltrationmembranes for
drinking water production.
This unit is
also mobile. It allows carrying out the condi-
tioning/deconditioning of modules, different
production and washing cycles and integrity
tests on thesemodules.
Membrane manufacturers participated in this
pilot unitwith2modules that arealreadyope-
rating (Aquasource and Polymem) and two
others that will be installed later (X-flow and
These pilot units can be used by communities
or industrialists... to validate the proper tech-
nical solutions forwater tobe remineralizedor
A regulatory requirement
The French Public Health Code requires a pro-
tection of drinking water supply systems
against any backflow and a regular monito-
ring of all equipment. The health regulations
specify the control frequency of backflow
Since 1987, a circular has required that
the staffs working on protective equip-
ment against backflow, including back-
flowpreventers, be qualified.
Practical arrangements
A first educational unitwas built in Limoges in
1992 to develop the first training courses,
which were carried out in collaboration with
the Health Protection Research and Enginee-
ring Service.
To qualify, trainees must know the theoretical
elements, but also be able to diagnose a
faulty deviceby using a standard sheet and to
repair the device.
Trainees must pass an examination
every 3 years for the renewal of their
Technical developments
Today the IOWater-FNWTC unit includes
8 work stations equipped with 8 diffe-
rent types of backflowpreventers, regu-
larly replaced by newer models to keep
upwithmanufacturers’ developments.
This unit presents backflow preventer models
of all sizes and ages to familiarize the trainees
with all the products found in the systems.
Since 1993, 3,000 trainees have atten-
ded these qualifying courses.
Maintenance of backflow preventers:
20 years of qualifying courses
”Remineralization” unit
View of IOWater ”backflow preventer” educational unit
New educational units
for drinking water production
“Ultrafiltration” unit
The French National Water Training Center
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