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FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
The News N° 25
Created by the building of a hydropower
dam, LakeVassivière is oneof the largest arti-
ficial lakes in France. It is located in the
Creuse andUpper-VienneDepartments.
In partnership with
the Vassivière Lake
tourist facilities and services are
being developed. The Syndicate is in charge
of managing the main system collecting
effluents from towns bordering the lake. This
system aims to protect the lake against all
direct discharges, by carrying treated
effluents out of the basin to avoid the risk of
eutrophication of bathing areas.
In this context,
IOWater studied the lake
sanitation challenges.
Previous studiesandassessmentswereupda-
ted. Innovative alternatives - including the
one based on the use of a different operation
method according to the seasons - were also
Search for optimization resulted in the
development of three major scenarios
for the rehabilitation of the sewerage
The estimated costs of rehabilitation
6.3million for the sce-
nario providing partial rehabilitation, and at
8 million for the scenario providing the
complete rehabilitation of the system.
Vassivière Lake Syndicate
Sanitation challenges
Vassivière Lake
”Analysis of the implementation of the
Charter on the Quality of Sewerage
Systems in theAdour Garonne Basin”
Design defects and aging structuresmay jeo-
pardize the good operation of sewerage
systems and their sustainability, with conse-
quences on the environment and on the
water price.
To improve the situation,
in 1995, the
Adour-GaronneWater Agency adopted
a Charter on the Quality of Sewerage
whose application is a condition
for eligibility to its aids. In 2006, a National
Charter on the Quality of Sewerage Systems
was signed tohomogenize the charters of the
six FrenchWater Agencies.
Wishing toobtain feedbackon the implemen-
tation of the charter in its basin,
the Adour-
Garonne Water Agency launched an
assessment study in 2014.
IOWater developed an evaluation grid
for the completed sewerage projects.
Thisgrid isestablished to take intoaccount all
the sanitation building stages, the consulta-
tion company’s record at final acceptance.
IOWater will propose improvements to
the charter, based on the results of this
Adour Garonne River Basin
Charter on the Quality of Sewerage Systems
Mayor’s report
Reducing leaks indrinkingwater supply
systems: use of indicators
In France, theReport on thePriceof Ser-
vice Quality (RPQS)
is an annual public
document that informs the users about the
operationof eachwater supplyand sanitation
utility. The Decree of 2May 2007 introduced
the utility performance indicators to be inclu-
ded in the report.
As part of its Multi-Year Target Agree-
ment with ”ONEMA”, IOWater is stu-
dying how to combine the various indi-
cators of the drinking water system to
better determine the losses in a net-
work, and therefore optimize it.
At this stage of the study, the selected indica-
torsmainly concern:
The performance of the distribution sys-
The Linear Loss Index of aNetwork;
The knowledge and asset management
index of drinkingwater supply systems;
Linear Index of the volumes of unaccoun-
ted-for water...
The optimization scenarios include pressure
management in systems, active leak detec-
tion, repair / rehabilitation / replacement and
improvement of the knowledge of networks.
Audits and Studies
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