The News N° 25 - February 2015
The Downstream-Seine wastewater treat-
ment plant is being renovated in order to
improveperformanceandenvironmental pro-
The improvements especially concern effluent
The Interdepartmental Syndicate for
Sanitation of Greater Paris (SIAAP) dee-
med an audit to be necessary so that
the concerned staffmembers couldade-
quately operate the new pretreatment
facilities under construction.
About sixty workers were thus audited by
between November 2013 and
January 2014. The audit was progressively
carried out in several stages, in close and
continuing consultation with ”SIAAP” repre-
This audit led to a training plan for the
staff, composed of various modules to
be implemented immediately after-
wards (2014), before the workers ope-
rate the new facilities.
The audit findings were positively received:
this work on skills is crucial for an organiza-
tion like ”SIAAP” and such a huge Downs-
tream-Seine plant.
With this audit, IOWater increased its
know-how inHRManddemonstrates its
ability to support the water stakehol-
ders in managing and improving their
For example, strong demand was expressed
by all audited staff members on the topic of
odor treatment, renovation of pretreatment,
including the chemical treatment of odors in
this unit.
Thus, 88 workers, from all services (opera-
tion, maintenance, laboratory, 3x8 shift
teams) and all hierarchical levels, were trai-
ned, from late 2013 to June 2014, on odor
treatment techniques: chemicalwashing, bio-
logical treatment, adsorption, heat treatment.
Interdepartmental Syndicate for Sanitation
of Greater Paris (SIAAP)
Educational audit and training
FRom one conTinenT To anoTHeR
In 2013, the Corsican Hydraulic Equip-
ment Board (OEHC) commissioned
IOWater for anassessmentof theopera-
tionof drinkingwater treatment units.
The visit of Rizzanese (Sartène), Bomortu
(Ajaccio), Codole and Calvi plants, and inter-
viewswith technical staffs, allowed listing the
weaknesses and strengths of the services.
In 2014, IOWater assessed the skills of
the technical staffs of Codole and Calvi
plants inUpper Corsica.
This secondmission proposed a new organi-
zation of the service, including through team
strengthening, staff training and technical
improvements, especially regarding the chlo-
rination points in the distribution system.
Missions for the Corsican Hydraulic Equipment Board (OEHC)
The Downstream-Seinewastewater treatment plant
Codole Plant seen from the dam
Audits and Studies