Changes in soil N mineralization and nitrification pathways along a mixed forest chronosequence
Changes in soil N mineralization pathways occurring along a full rotation cycle have received little attention to date, while tree uptake forNmaychange during forest ageing. The aimsof this study were (i) to characterize changes in potential net N mineralization and potential net nitrification within organic layers and the topsoil (organo-mineral horizon) along a 100-year chronosequence for a temperate oakhornbeam forest and (ii) to reveal covariances between potential netNmineralization pathways and the properties of the humic epipedon (defined as the sum of organic layers and topsoil). For that purpose, a space-for-time substitution procedure and aerobic laboratory incubation method for 28 days at 28 8C in the dark were used. In addition, acetylene and captan were used to discriminate between autotrophic and heterotrophic (bacterial and/or fungal) nitrification. Several humic epipedon properties were determined, e.g. pH, exchangeable cation concentrations, effective cation exchange capacity, total C and N, dissolved organic C and N, fungal and microbial biomass N. Potential net N mineralization and nitrification pathways changed greatly along the mixed forest chronosequence. Potential net N mineralization in the organic layers increased with stand maturation whereas potential net nitrification in the topsoil decreased significantly. Selective inhibitors revealed changes in nitrification pathways along the chronosequence, i.e. potential net nitrification was autotrophic in the topsoil while it was mainly heterotrophic within the organic layers. In the organic layer, potential net nitrification was autotrophic at the onset of the chronosequence while it appeared heterotrophic during the aggradation phase and finally fungal in mature stands. A Co-Inertia Analysis was used to reveal covariances between N mineralization pathways and humic epipedon properties. The analysis showedtwofunctionaltemporal shiftswithinNcycling along the chronosequence, one probably controlled by organic matter quality and high competition for available N resulting in the autotrophic versus heterotrophic nitrification shift in the organic layersandonemainly controlledby(i)fine organic matter abundance, allowing high N mineralization in the organic layers and (ii) acidity inhibited autotrophic nitrification in the topsoil.
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