Caractérisation de la structuration spatio-temporelle des teneurs en eau des sols à l’échelle parcellaire par résistivité électrique
At the field scale the spatial variability of the soil hydric behaviour could be described with a high resolution by data fusion between the electrical resistivity and the soil water content measurements. However, whereas many authors underline significant correlations between these two variables, the electrical measurements are also influenced by other soil variables (clay content, temperature, salinity…) through complex interactions. The electrical data interpretation is delicate and depends on soil types. In a calcareous context, we aim at showing the usefulness of the electrical method to discriminate the spatial variability of the soil water content at the field scale. A time- monitoring of the soil water content and the electrical resistivity was realised . The spatial variability is analysed and the soil hydric units are defined. They are finally compared to the soil units.
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