How to cope with periods of drought? Age at maturity, longevity, and growth of marbled newts (Triturus marmoratus) in Mediterranean temporary ponds
We studied age at maturity, longevity, and growth in a marbled newt (Triturus marmoratus) population in southwestern France. Parameters of the life cycle such as date of migration, reproductive period, and terrestrial activity were documented for three neighbouring temporary ponds. This Mediterranean marbled newt population was characterized by aestivation and hibernation periods, a prolonged aquatic phase in adults, and a presence of juveniles in water. Aestivation and hibernation lead to distinct growth periods as determined by skeletochronology. Minimum age at maturity was 2 and 3 years, whereas maximum age observed was 8 and 9 years in males and females, respectively. A higher growth rate and a lower survival rate were found in this Mediterranean population compared with other populations exposed to variable environmental conditions in western Europe.
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