Characterization of an internal slope movement structure by hydrogeophysical surveying
A hydrogeophysical study was carried out by a water controlled injection within a landslide situated on an active part of the La Clapière landslide foot (Alpes Maritimes, France). Coupling of both real-time geophysical and hydrological follow ups allowed the representation and quantification of the surface water drainage in space and time within the slipped mass. Thus, 30% of the injected water is quickly drained by a complex slipping surface meanly situated at 10-m depth. The transit time between injection and outflow of the water allowed an overloading of about 10 m3 (i.e. 10 tons) comparable with classical rain events in the area. This weight and the associated interstitial pressures increase have not led to any movements asking for the origin of the water volumes which could induce destabilizations. This experiment enabled an accurate redefinition of the internal slope structure and the understanding of the dynamics of the slipped mass with a surface hydraulic request.
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