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A 4D approach to unravel the impacts...
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A 4D approach to unravel the impacts of geodynamics, climate and human activities on biogeochemical cycles, hydrological thresholds, and ecosystems: the Rungwe Environmental Science Observatory Network (Tanzania)
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A 4D approach to unravel the impacts of geodynamics, climate and human activities on biogeochemical cycles, hydrological thresholds, and ecosystems: the Rungwe Environmental Science Observatory Network (Tanzania)
Williamson, D.
Bergonzini, L.
Delalande, M.
Quantin, C.
Majule, D.
Delvaux, A.
Mbede, D.
Barker, P.
Bremond, L.
Limyu, J.
Magongo, F.
Mathé, E.
Yanda, P.Z.
Chalie, F.
Guiot, J.
Ortlieb, L.
Valimba, P.
Vincens, A.
Reson Team Members (*rungwe Environmental Science Observatory Network (reson)), The
Abdalla, W.
- conference, seminar, workshop communication - 2008
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Type de document:
conference, seminar, workshop communication
Williamson, D.
Bergonzini, L.
Delalande, M.
Quantin, C.
Majule, D.
Delvaux, A.
Mbede, D.
Barker, P.
Bremond, L.
Limyu, J.
Magongo, F.
Mathé, E.
Yanda, P.Z.
Chalie, F.
Guiot, J.
Ortlieb, L.
Valimba, P.
Vincens, A.
Reson Team Members (*rungwe Environmental Science Observatory Network (reson)), The
Abdalla, W.
- conference, seminar, workshop communication - 2008
Candidats descripteurs:
[SDU:STU] Sciences of the Universe/Earth Sciences
[SDU:STU] Planète et Univers/Sciences de la Terre