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The problems created by MSW composting plant of Lantic in France

Some years ago, MSW composting plants produced bad compost mainly in terms of impurities and heavy metals. Some North European countries decided then to make good composts with the selective collection of biowaste and then incineration or MBT plants for the remainder of MSW. However, why should it be forbidden to do similar composts as biowaste compost with MSW? We can prove that it is possible in the French plant of Lantic that works very well since May of 2004. At the end, the total waste treatment cost increases about 35% when the selective collection of biowaste is introduced. The future Compost European Directive should take these considerations into account. / Auparavant, les usines de compostage des ordures ménagères produisaient des composts de mauvaise qualité. Les pays du nord de l'Europe décidaient d'organiser des collectes sélectives pour avoir de bons composts et du TMB ou de l'incinération pour le reste des ordures. Mais pourquoi interdire le compostage des OM si la qualité est la même ?Nous pouvons prouver que l'usine de Lantic fonctionne correctement depuis mai 2004. Les futures directives européennes devraient en tenir compte.

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