Stylog : base de données pour le suivi des élevages de crevettes de Nouvelle-Calédonie
In order to have a standardised database gathering most information on New Caledonian prawn farms a software, called “Stylog-module ferme”, was developed and implemented by Ifremer with the help of shrimp farmers. Data recording results in more than 2 million data from 250 crops since the beginning of the project (2003). The main objective is to help the researchers in understanding the processes taking place in a cultured pond. It also provides a follow-up of the prawn farming industry (evolution of management practices, health surveillance system…) and to facilitate sharing of information between the different partners of the industry (prawn farmers, research and local authorities). Finally, this decision-making tool also helps shrimp farmers for routine crop management. This poster presents the method and tools used to create this database, from the definition of specifications, in close relation with end users, to the implementation of a real project structure, including all partners (users committee and steering committee, agreement of confidentiality). It also shows some examples resulting from the analysis of these data (investigating good management practices indicators, publishing technical bulletins or specific data analysis for research…). Finally, the networking (Extranet) of this base seems to present real perspectives in sharing information, and analysis capacity.
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