Qualité du milieu marin littoral. Bulletin de la surveillance. Edition 2011. Départements du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme
Ifremer coordinates its efforts over the whole coast of continental France through several monitoring networks: the microbiological monitoring network (REMI), the phytoplankton and phycotoxin monitoring network (REPHY), the chemical contamination monitoring network (ROCCH, formerly RNO) and the benthic monitoring network (REBENT). These monitoring networks have been set up to meet the environmental objectives of the Water Framework Directive, the obligations of marine Regional Conventions (OSPAR and Barcelona) according to the organisational scheme set by the ministry in charge of environmental affairs and the regulatory public health objectives on the monitoring of shellfish quality from fishing areas and in shellfish farms regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing. Certain Ifremer Environment and Aquaculture Resources Laboratories (LER) also implement regional monitoring networks on the Opal Coast, the Normandy coast, Arcachon Bay, and in the lagoons in Languedoc. These regional networks aim to further diagnose and monitor the risks associated with punctual or diffuse waste discharge responsible for recurring local eutrophication. Thus, for certain laboratories, monitoring networks are supplemented with results on hydrology that assist in evaluating the quality of the environment. The 2008 edition also presents, as for the last year, a summary of results from the Aquaculture Resources Department's mollusc monitoring network (REMORA), run by six laboratories on all three seaboards. Water and shellfish samples have been taken following quality assurance protocols since 1999 by Ifremer laboratories. To meet the regulatory requirements of the two involved ministries, analyses associated with these monitoring networks must be performed only by accredited laboratories...
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