Predictability of biomass burning in response to climate changes
Daniau, A.L. / Bartlein, P.J. / Harrison, S.P. / Prentice, I.C. / Brewer, Scott / Friedlingstein, Pierre / Harrison-Prentice, T. / Inoue, J. / Izumi, K. / Marlon, J.R. / Mooney, S. / Power, Mitchell James / Stevenson, J. / Tinner, W. / Andric, M. / Atanassova, J. / Behling, H. / Black, M. / Blarquez, O. / Brown, K.J. / Carcaillet, Christopher / Colhoun, E.A. / Colombaroli, D. / Davis, B.A.S. / D'Costa, D. / Dodson, J. / Dupont, L. / Eshetu, Zewdu / Gavin, D.G. / Genries, Aurélie / Haberle, Simon / Hallett, D.J. / Hope, G. / Horn, S.P. / Kassa, T.G. / Katamura, F. / Kennedy, L.M. / Kershaw, P. / Krivonogov, S. / Long, C. / Magri, D. / Marinova, E. / Mckenzie, G.M. / Moreno, P.I. / Moss, P. / Neumann, F.H. / Norström, E. / Paitre, C. / Rius, D. / Roberts, N. / Robinson, G.S. / Sasaki, N. / Scott, L. / Takahara, H. / Terwilliger, Valery T. / Thevenon, Florian / Turner, R. / Valsecchi, V.G. / Vannière, Boris / Walsh, M. / Williams, N. / Zhang, Y. - 2015
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Auteur(s): |
Daniau, A.L. / Bartlein, P.J. / Harrison, S.P. / Prentice, I.C. / Brewer, Scott / Friedlingstein, Pierre / Harrison-Prentice, T. / Inoue, J. / Izumi, K. / Marlon, J.R. / Mooney, S. / Power, Mitchell James / Stevenson, J. / Tinner, W. / Andric, M. / Atanassova, J. / Behling, H. / Black, M. / Blarquez, O. / Brown, K.J. / Carcaillet, Christopher / Colhoun, E.A. / Colombaroli, D. / Davis, B.A.S. / D'Costa, D. / Dodson, J. / Dupont, L. / Eshetu, Zewdu / Gavin, D.G. / Genries, Aurélie / Haberle, Simon / Hallett, D.J. / Hope, G. / Horn, S.P. / Kassa, T.G. / Katamura, F. / Kennedy, L.M. / Kershaw, P. / Krivonogov, S. / Long, C. / Magri, D. / Marinova, E. / Mckenzie, G.M. / Moreno, P.I. / Moss, P. / Neumann, F.H. / Norström, E. / Paitre, C. / Rius, D. / Roberts, N. / Robinson, G.S. / Sasaki, N. / Scott, L. / Takahara, H. / Terwilliger, Valery T. / Thevenon, Florian / Turner, R. / Valsecchi, V.G. / Vannière, Boris / Walsh, M. / Williams, N. / Zhang, Y. - 2015
Editeur: | HAL CCSD American Geophysical Union (AGU) |
Contributeur: | School of Geographical Sciences ; UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL Department of Geography ; University of Oregon School of Biological Sciences ; Macquarie University QUEST, Department of Earth Sciences ; University of Bristol (United Kingdom) Grantham Institute for Climate Change and Division of Biology ; Imperial College Botany Department ; University of Wyoming College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences (CEMPS) ; University of Exeter, U.K. Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement [Gif-sur-Yvette] (LSCE - UMR 8212) ; CNRS - CEA - Université Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQ) Newton St. Cyres ; Newton St. Cyres Osaka University [Osaka] Department of Geography ; University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences ; The University of New South Wales (AUSTRALIA) Utah Museum of Natural History, Department of Geography, University of Utah ; University of Utah Department of Archaeology and Natural History ; Australian National University Institute of Plant Sciences and Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research ; University of Bern Institute of Archaeology ; Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Department of Botany ; Sofia University "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" Palynology and Climate Dynamics ; Albrecht-von-Haller-Inst. for Plant Sciences Centre de Bio-Archéologie et d'Ecologie (CBAE) ; Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2) - École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) - CNRS Canadian Forest Service ; Victoria, British Columbia Paléoenvironnement et chronoécologie UMR 5059-CNRS/Montpellier II/EPHE (PALECO) ; École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) School of Environmental and Life Sciences ; The University of Newcastle Institute of Environment, Science and Technology ; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) School of Geography and Environmental Science ; Monash University (AUSTRALIA) Institute for Environmental Research ; Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation MARUM ; Universität Bremen Postfach Department of Paleoanthropology and Paleoenvironment ; University of Addis Ababa Department of Archaeology and Natural History (RSPS) ; Australian National University Biogeoscience Institute ; University of Calgary Department of Geography ; University of Tennessee Seminar of Geography and Education ; University of Cologne Tokushu Kosho Gijutsu Inc ; Tokushu Kosho Gijutsu Inc Department of Geography ; Virginia Polytechnic and State University United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences ; Academic koptyug prospeckt Department of Geography and Urban Planning ; University of Wisconsin-Madison Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale ; Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" [Rome] Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity and Department of Ecological Sciences ; Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile Department of Planning and Environmental Management ; School of Geography, The University of Queensland Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontology ; University of the Witwatersrand Forschungsstelle für Paläobotanik ; University of Münster Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology ; Stockholm University Département de Géographie et Centre d'Études Nordiques ; Universite Laval (Quebec) - Canada Laboratoire Chrono-environnement (LCE) ; Université de Franche-Comté - CNRS Earth and Environmental Sciences ; School of Geography, University of Plymouth Department of Natural Sciences ; Fordham College at Lincoln Center Research Institute for Humanity and Nature ; Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Department of Plant Sciences ; University of the Free State Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences ; Kyoto Prefectural University Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orléans - UMR7327 (ISTO) ; Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) - INSU - Université d'Orléans (UO) - CNRS Department of Geography ; University of Kansas Forel Institute ; University of Geneva Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory ; University of Plymouth Department of Geography ; Central Washington University Natural Resources Policy Section ; NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet Institute of Botany, State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change ; Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Langue: | ANGLAIS |
Candidats descripteurs: | temperature changes Holocene biomass burning climate controls on fire deglaciation sedimentary charcoal records temperature changes. [SDU.ENVI] Sciences of the Universe/Continental interfaces, environment [SDU.STU.CL] Sciences of the Universe/Earth Sciences/Climatology [SDE.MCG] Environmental Sciences/Global Changes |