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Planck intermediate results. XXIX. All-sky dust modelling with Planck, IRAS, and WISE observations

Ade, P.A.R. / Aghanim, N. / Alves, M. I. R. / Aniano, G. / Arnaud, M. / Ashdown, M. / Aumont, J. / Baccigalupi, C. / Banday, A. J. / Barreiro, R. B. / Bartolo, N. / Battaner, E. / Benabed, K. / Benoit-Levy, A. / Bernard, J.-P. / Bersanelli, M. / Bielewicz, P. / Bonaldi, A. / Bonavera, L. / Bond, J. R. / Borrill, J. / Bouchet, F. R. / Boulanger, F. / Burigana, C. / Butler, R. C. / Calabrese, E. / Cardoso, J.-F. / Catalano, A. / Chamballu, A. / Chiang, H. C. / Christensen, P. R. / Clements, D. L. / Colombi, S. / Colombo, L. P. L. / Couchot, F. / Crill, B. P. / Curto, A. / Cuttaia, F. / Danese, L. / Davies, R. D. / Davis, R. J. / De Bernardis, P. / De Rosa, A. / De Zotti, G. / Delabrouille, J. / Dickinson, C. / Diego, J. M. / Dole, H. / Donzelli, S. / Dore, O. / Douspis, M. / Draine, B. T. / Ducout, A. / Dupac, X. / Efstathiou, G. / Elsner, F. / Ensslin, T. A. / Eriksen, H. K. / Falgarone, E. / Finelli, F. / Forni, O. / Frailis, M. / Fraisse, A. A. / Franceschi, E. / Frejsel, A. / Galeotta, S. / Galli, S. / Ganga, K. / Ghosh, T. / Giard, M. / Gjerlow, E. / Gonzalez-Nuevo, J. / Gorski, K. M. / Gregorio, A. / Gruppuso, A. / Guillet, V. / Hansen, F. K. / Hanson, D. / Harrison, D. L. / Henrot-Versille, S. / Hernandez-Monteagudo, C. / Herranz, D. / Hildebrandt, S. R. / Hivon, E. / Holmes, W. A. / Hovest, W. / Huffenberger, K. M. / Hurier, G. / Jaffe, A. H. / Jaffe, T. R. / Jones, W. C. / Keihanen, E. / Keskitalo, R. / Kisner, T. S. / Kneissl, R. / Knoche, J. / Kunz, M. / Kurki-Suonio, H. / Lagache, G. / Lamarre, J.-M. / Lasenby, A. / Lattanzi, M. / Lawrence, C. R. / Leonardi, R. / Levrier, F. / Liguori, M. / Lilje, P. B. / Linden-Vornle, M. / Lopez-Caniego, M. / Lubin, P. M. / Macias-Perez, J.F. / Maffei, B. / Maino, D. / Mandolesi, N. / Maris, M. / Marshall, D. J. / Martin, P. G. / Martinez-Gonzalez, E. / Masi, S. / Matarrese, S. / Mazzotta, P. / Melchiorri, A. / Mendes, L. / Mennella, A. / Migliaccio, M. / Miville-Deschenes, M.-A. / Moneti, A. / Montier, L. / Morgante, G. / Mortlock, D. / Munshi, D. / Murphy, J. A. / Naselsky, P. / Natoli, P. / Norgaard-Nielsen, H. U. / Novikov, D. / Novikov, I. / Oxborrow, C. A. / Pagano, L. / Pajot, F. / Paladini, R. / Paoletti, D. / Pasian, F. / Perdereau, O. / Perotto, L. / Perrotta, F. / Pettorino, V. / Piacentini, F. / Piat, M. / Plaszczynski, S. / Pointecouteau, E. / Polenta, G. / Ponthieu, N. / Popa, L. / Pratt, G. W. / Prunet, S. / Puget, J.-L. / Rachen, J. P. / Reach, W. T. / Rebolo, R. / Reinecke, M. / Remazeilles, M. / Renault, C. / Ristorcelli, I. / Rocha, G. / Roudier, G. / Rubio-Martin, J. A. / Rusholme, B. / Sandri, M. / Santos, D. / Scott, D. / Spencer, L. D. / Stolyarov, V. / Sudiwala, R. / Sunyaev, R. / Sutton, D. / Suur-Uski, A.-S. / Sygnet, J.-F. / Tauber, J. A. / Terenzi, L. / Toffolatti, L. / Tomasi, M. / Tristram, M. / Tucci, M. / Umana, G. / Valenziano, L. / Valiviita, J. / Van Tent, B. / Vielva, P. / Villa, F. / Wade, L. A. / Wandelt, B. D. / Wehus, I. K. / Ysard, N. / Yvon, D. / Zacchei, A. / Zonca, A. - 2014
We present all-sky dust modelling of the high resolution Planck, IRAS and WISE infrared (IR) observations using the physical dust model presented by Draine & Li in 2007 (DL). We study the performance of this model and present implications for future dust modelling. The present work extends to the full sky the dust modelling carried out on nearby galaxies using Herschel and Spitzer data. We employ the DL dust model to generate maps of the dust mass surface density, the dust optical extinction AV, and the starlight intensity heating the bulk of the dust, parametrized by Umin. We test the model by comparing these maps with independent estimates of the dust optical extinction AV . In molecular clouds, we compare the DL AV estimates with maps generated from stellar optical observations from the 2MASS survey. The DL AV estimates are a factor of about 3 larger than values estimated from 2MASS observations. In the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) we compare the DL optical extinction AV estimates with optical estimates from approximately 200,000 QSOs observed in the Sloan digital sky survey. The DL AV estimates are larger than those determined from the QSOs, and this discrepancy depends on Umin. We propose an empirical renormalization of the DL AV estimate, dependent of Umin, which compensates for the systematic differences found here. This renormalization, bringing into agreement the AV estimates on QSOs, also brings into agreement the AV estimates on molecular clouds. In the diffuse ISM, the DL fitting parameter Umin, appears to trace variations in the far-IR opacity of the dust grains. Therefore, some of the physical assumptions of the DL model need to be revised. We provide a family of SEDs normalized by optical reddening, parameterized by Umin; these will be the constraints for a next generation of dust models.

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