PREVIMER: A contribution to in situ coastal observing systems
To design a prototype for an Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), at least three components are mandatory: a modeling platform, an in situ observing system and a structure to collect and to disseminate the information (e.g. database, website). The PREVIMER project followed this approach and in order to sustain model applications, PREVIMER has developed, funded and organized part of in situ observing networks in the Bay of Biscay and the Channel. For a comprehensive system, focus was addressed on fi xed platforms (MAREL MOLIT, MAREL Iroise, Island network and D4 for sediment dynamics), ships of opportunity (RECOPESCA program and FerryBoxes), and coastal profi lers (ARVOR-C/Cm).
Each system is briefl y described and examples of scientifi c results obtained with corresponding data are highlighted to show how these systems contribute to solve scientifi c multidisciplinary issues from the coastal ocean dynamics to the biodiversity including pelagic and benthic habitats.
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