Frictional response of a thick gouge sample: 2. Friction law and implications for faults
On the basis of experimental results, we propose a new friction law aiming at
describing the mechanical behavior of thick gouge layers. As shown in the companion
paper, the dominant effect to take into account is a significant slip-weakening process
active over decimetric slip distances. This slip weakening is strongly nonlinear and,
formerly, does not involve any characteristic length scale. The decrease of the gouge
friction coefficient m with imposed slip d is well modeled by a power law: m = m0 + adb,
with b = 0.4. On this major trend are superimposed second-order velocity-weakening
and time-strengthening effects. These effects can be described using classical rate- and
state-dependent friction (RSF) laws and are associated with a small length scale
dc 100 mm. Consistent with the general RSF framework, we combine slip-weakening
and second-order effects in a slip, rate, and state (SRS) friction law with two state
variables. We then compute the fracture (or breakdown) energy Gc and the apparent
weakening distance Dc
app associated with the slip-weakening process. Once extrapolated to
realistic geophysical' confining pressures, the obtained values are in excellent agreement
with those inferred from real earthquakes: Gc 5 106 J m2 and Dc
app 20 cm. We also
find that fracture energy scales with imposed slip in our experiments: Gc d0.6.
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