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Evaluation de l’état de santé des récifs par stations vidéo rotatives STAVIRO : Bourail, Zone Côtière Ouest, Campagne 2012.

This work deals with fish communities and associated habitats, in the context of New Caledonian coral reef ecosystems. It was conducted within the AMBIO project. The study relies on remote unbaited underwater video observations, using the STAVIRO rotating technique. The study takes place in the Bourail area, an area (Western Coastal Area) part of the World Heritage site “New Caledonian lagoons”. It encompasses two Marine Protected Areas, Poé and the Ile Verte. The sampling design covers the entire area, and was stratified according to reef geomorphology and protection status. 150 stations were validated within 6 days (40hrs spent at sea). They were analyzed to characterize the habitat surrounding each station, and fish communities, based on a species list that includes fished species, emblematic species and functionally important species. 31 indicators were computed and corresponding maps were constructed (available on a Sextant server). Each indicator was plotted and analysed using the PAMPA computing tool. Outcomes were organized in a dashboard for each management objective (biodiversity conservation and fisheries management). Detailed results were reported in annexes. The Bourail area is characterized by abundant and dense coastal seabeds which are home to the highest fish densities observed in the area. These correspond to juvenile lethrinids, wrasses, rabbitfish and goatfish. 122 fish species, one turtle and one snake species, belonging to 18 families were observed. The fish community appears abundant in the entire area.

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