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Dynamique des populations de palourdes japonaises (Ruditapes philippinarum) dans le bassin d'Arcachon : conséquences sur la gestion des populations exploitées

Dang, Cecile - 2009
The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum was introduced into Arcachon Bay at the beginning of the 1980s for aquaculture purposes. It rapidly naturalized in all intertidal flats of the lagoon. Nowadays, Arcachon Bay ranks at the first French place in terms of exploitable stock. However, recent stock assessments have shown an unbalance size structure with a deficit in juvenile and adult clams (> 38 mm shell length). These alarming patterns asked many questions on the sustainability of Manila clam populations within Arcachon Bay and have motivated the present thesis. This study aimed to better understand the population dynamics of this species and also some factors controlling this dynamic. The final objective was to improve the Manila clam fishing management with a model raised with results of the study. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters (K and L∞) were both determined by a field survey of populations and by a tagged-recapture experiment during two years. Growth appeared slow with a homogeneous K within the bay and different L∞ according to the sites. This study also evidenced a normal natural mortality and an inefficient reproduction (low condition index, low recruitment). Among the factors that could explain these dynamics, different pathogens were monitored during two years: digenean trematodes, brown ring disease and perkinsosis. Moreover, an emergent pathology (brown muscle disease, BMD) has been discovered. Only perkinsosis and BMD revealed high prevalences and intensities. Perkinsosis induced mitigated effects on growth whereas BMD-infected clams rise to the surface of the sediment and died. Trophic sources were also important to explain growth and were studied with carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. This study displayed a heterogeneous repartition of Manila clam trophic sources within the bay and a phytoplankton dominated diet. The proportion of ingested phytoplankton was correlated with L∞. Growth and mortality parameters were integrated in a management model. If no new management measures were taken, the clam stock will continue to decrease. Different management situations have been simulated and new measures have been adopted by administrator organisms.

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