OiEau - International News

0 0 9 Management of the French National Service for Water Data and Common Repositories Management (SANDRE) EUROPE | France French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) • Information systems The French National Service for Water Data and Common Repositories Management shares data on water and its environment. It brings together organisations that add their expertise to constitute and administer reference databases on water and ensuring their consistency. A dministering reference databases and national listings. Developing technical solutions for exchanging data and ensuring interoperability with information sys- tems belonging to France and European nations. January 1993 http://www.sandre.eaufrance.fr Assistance to users of MesureStep and AutoStep EUROPE | France OFB - Ministry of Ecology • Sewage MesureStep and AutoStep programs are used to enter and generate self-monitoring data from sewage systems, to export or import this data in Sandre format and to analyse them (compliance assessment), and to produced monthly and yearly self-monitoring results. Assistance with the use of this software for com- pliance with the Sandre format and data exchange formats. Training on the MesureStep program. January 2007 http://assainissement.developpement -durable. gouv.fr/services.php LabPSE - Experimenting the implementation of a marketplace for payments for environmental services (PES) EUROPE | France - Brittany • Agriculture • Assistance and Consulting TRAME, France November 2018 LabPSE experimenting the implementation of a marketplace for payments for environmental services (PES) in the territories. Contributes to the emergence of PES supply and demand. Making available the national geolocalisation application GREEN. Contributing to contractualising PES aspects. A nalysing the consequences for farms. A ssessing cross-responsibilities and ethics rules for stakeholders. © OiEau © OiEau