OiEau - International News
32 Decentralised cooperation and integrated water resources management in Togo and Benin (Phases 1, 2 and 3) AFRICA | Benin, Togo - Cross-border Mono catchment area Ministry of Water in Benin and Togo, Mono Basin Authority (ABM) • Water resources management This cooperation supports the implementation of the integrated water resources management process by facilitating international solidarity projects in the context of the Oudin Santini law and by increasing the capacities of the Mono Basin Authority (ABM). Assisting the Mono Basin Authority with imple- mentation. Supporting the roll-out of the Strategic Plan and its Operational Plan in Benin and Togo. Supporting the process of drawing up planning documents. Analysing the implementation of a system for forecasting and preventing flooding. July 2014 Enhancing the management capacities at Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company and performance AFRICA | Kenya Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company (NCWSC) • Sewage • Drinking water Supporting Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Com- pany (NCWSC) in their policy to reduce Non Revenue Water (NRW) which will enable an overall expansion of the company's own investment capacity and the move towards financial balance. Implementing a unit dedicated to reducing NRW. Analysing customer management procedures. Making recommendations and providing training. Updating the customer database. Implementing a performance contract with a private operator to reduce NRW in a pilot area. June 2012 Mono Basin - Phase 3 AFRICA | Togo, Benin - Mono Basin AERMC • Water resources management The Mono program aims to provide support in imple- menting integrated water resourcemanagement in the cross-border Mono catchment basin between Togo and Benin. This support is provided to the relevant ministerial departments in the two countries and to the Mono Basin Authority. Improving governance. Developing planning. Evolving information systems. Financial mechanisms. April 2018 Integrated water resources management project - Phase 1 AFRICA | Côte d’Ivoire - Bandama Basin Department for the Protection and the Development of Water Resources, Ministry of Water and Forests (MINEF) of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire • Water resources management Implementing integrated water resources manage- ment for the Bandama Basin pilot project requires a development outline and development that is set out in an agreed and legally sound way. IOWater provides overall support to this approach. Developing an information system for integrated water resources management that is georefe- renced and accessible on-line. Analysing the legal and institutional framework. Mapping basin stakeholders. Developing a water development andmanagement plan (SAGE) type document. Seeking sustainable financing mechanisms. October 2020
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