OiEau - International News

31 Supporting integrated water resources management implementation AFRICA | Burkina Faso - Nakanbé Basin Nakanbé Water Agency (AEN) • Water resources management The areas of cooperation implemented relate to the governance and planning of integrated water resources management, managing water data, sustainable financing mechanisms, meetings and study visits. Supporting the consolidation of water governance and planning tools. Improving the management of data of water, at the river basin and national levels. Developing and implementing sustainable financing mechanisms suited to the river basin context. January 2012 Technical assistance for implementing the water strategy for 2050 AFRICA / MEDITERRANEAN | Tunisia HRBP Tunisia, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries • Sewage • Drinking water • Water resources management This project is intended to contribute to socio-eco- nomic development by securing the availability and sustainable, equitable and efficient access to water resources in Tunisia by 2050, by following an inte- gratedmanagement approach and through structuring investments and suitable reforms to the sector. Supporting the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) while starting and managing the project, as well as in coordinating the various stakeholders who will be involved. Developing a program for enhancing the capacities of the various stakeholders. October 2018 Technical support for implementing an integrated water resources management policy AFRICA | Senegal Water resources management and planning unit, executive structures at the Sine Saloum management and planning unit and at the Somone sub-unit • Water resources management • Information systems Improving expertise and management resources, creating a favourable environment through suitable governance, communication and information, educa- tion and awareness of water and biodiversity are all implemented to develop integrated water resources management in Senegal. Development discussion/participation mechanisms and management structures. Situation report/diagnostics and proposals in information systems terms. Incubating projects for adapting to climate change. November 2018 © OiEau © OiEau