OiEau - International News
30 The Implementation and information framework for the report on urban waste water in the European Union CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE | Romania Romanian Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests • Sewage • Drinking water The implementation of processes and tools developed for IOWater such as "SIIF" (see page 14) is intended to assist the Romanian government and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests in analysing and facing the challenges linked to meeting requirements for treating urban waste water (UWWTD) as part of the EU Water Framework Directive. Examining the diagnostics report on water in Romania. Improving information systems for monitoring and producing reports on UWWTD. Producing technical specifications that update the existing UWWTD declaration systems. Reinforcing personnel skills. September 2019 TWIST EUROPE | Spain | France | Portugal INTERREG SUDOE program in the context of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) • Sewage • Drinking water • Circular economy TWIST – Transnational Water Innovation Strategy is a project that develops an open innovation model in the field of waste water management in compliance with the framework directive on water and by pro- moting a circular economy model. Analysing innovation processes. Creating living laboratories for managing, proces- sing and recycling. Training staff and creating jobs. Capitalising on results. April 2018 https://twistproject.eu/fr/ EUWI+ East: Support for reforms to the water sector in countries neighbouring the European Union CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Belarus | Georgia | Moldova | Ukraine European Commission • Sewage treatment and drinking water • Water and agriculture • Water and climate change • Water resources management The development and implementation of efficient resource management is supported by the manage- ment of cross-border hydrographic basins. TheWater Framework Directive (WFD) and other European theme and sector related directives on water are developed to improve their application. Institutional analysis. Implementing activities on pilot basins. Developing and implementing RBMPs with the participation of stakeholders at every level (basin, national, international) and shared data mana- gement. April 2016 http://www.euwipluseast.eu © OiEau
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