OiEau - International News
26 Eau dans la Ville - Water in the City EUROPE | France Elected representatives, local authorities and water and sewage departments • Sewage • Drinking water "Eaudanslaville" (Water in the City) is a website for public bodies for cooperation between towns and cities (EPCI), mayors, local elected officials and water authorities or companies. It proposes practical, technical, legal and financial answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) linked to managing the water cycle biodiversity. Subscribers have the benefit of access to the Guide to Services, with theme-based data sheets and best practices collected from the field. Managing the website including putting technical, legal and financial content on-line for free access. Aguide to services with theme-based data sheets. FAQ January 2003 https://www.oieau.fr/eaudanslaville/ The "Eau & Biodiversité" (Water & Biodiversity) documentation portal EUROPE | France General public, water stakeholders and practitioners • Facilitation of stakeholders' networks • Documentation and publications This digital portal is a generalised access systemopen to all documents relating to water, water environment and biodiversity, produced by the public sector. Documentation portal feasibility study: technical support, facilitating the national documentation network, coordinating and evolving the portal. Processing documents on water, water environ- ments and biodiversity. June 2006 http://www.documentation.eauetbiodiversite.fr EAUDOC AFRICA, AMERICA, ASIA, EUROPE | France Water and environmental professionals • Facilitation of stakeholders' networks • Documentation and publications Born of a heritage fund initiated in 1970 and managed in Limoges, France, by IOWater, this virtual library on water covers all of the major aspects of small and major water cycles: institutional, administrative, economic, scientific and technical. References are French and international ones. Heritage preservation of all water sector documents Managing networks of the main public water stakeholders in France Producing multilingual terminological databases and a water thesaurus Developing documentation portals June 2006 http://www.documentation.oieau.fr © OiEau © OiEau
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