OiEau - International News

24 S ince its creation 30 years ago, OiEau has been involved in a strategic mission, the networking of stakeholders of the water sector. Initiated with French public ope- rators, this mission was quickly extended to the international level with the creation of INBO (Internatio- nal Network of Basin Organizations - see p. 27) in 1994. These networks, at the service of communities of water and biodiver- sity stakeholders, and of the environ- ment in general, are intended to be an interface for dialogue, exchange of practices and capitalisation of knowledge, to provide them with resources to achieve better manage- ment of water resources and natural environments. Federating many expertises, these networks rely on Web portals to gather and make available to the professionals, and even to the gene- ral public, experience feedbacks, technical or institutional initiatives, "toolboxes". OiEau has indeed adop- ted Web technology since its emer- gence in 1993, and is able to design and run Internet portals adapted to the specific needs of communities. It can also organise events from the local to the international level, multi- lingual if necessary, in order to allow the partners to meet and thus ani- mate the life of the networks. Finally, OiEau coordinates awareness-rai- sing actions towards a defined tar- get public, in consultation with the community leaders. FACILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF STAKEHOLDER NETWORKS © OiEau © OiEau