OiEau - International News

22 Madagascar - Water and Climate Incubation for Africa AFRICA | Madagascar - Central Highlands - Lake Itasy basin Madagascar Ministry of Water, Energy and Hydrocarbons (taking over from the former Directorage for Water and Sanitation management) • Water resources management • Agroecology Incubating multiple projects to support the develop- ment of agroecological practices in rural communities upstream from Lake Itasy, with the aim of recovering deteriorated ecosystems and durably promoting the agricultural and forestry sectors. Determining scientific knowledge relating to climate changes affecting the territory. Writing a project presentation form for adapting the territory and costing related investment spending and potential backers. April 2019 https://www.riob.org/fr/incubation/ecosyste- mes-aquatiques-Madagascar Incubating water and climate projects for Africa in Benin and Togo AFRICA | Benin | Togo - Mono river catchment area AERMC • Water and climate change • Water resources management Adapting to climate change constitutes a major challenge for Benin and Togo. The proposed approach for reducing the impact of these effects comprises incubating major projects targeted around technical assistance and identifying issued, involving local project leaders and funding providers. Supporting the emergence of projects to adapt to climate change. Identifying future partners and stakeholders for implementing projects. October 2019 https://www.riob.org/fr/incubation/CC-lagunes-co- tieres-Benin Kandaji dam management AFRICA | Niger High Commission for the Development of the Niger Valley • Water resources management This study is intended to define the most suitable institutional mechanism for multiple sector mana- gement of the water in the Kandadji reservoir, at the national and Niger river basin levels. Operation and maintenance of the future hydroelectric plant and dam will also be studied. Proposing a number of types of suitable mana- gement structures, with an analysis of their pros and cons. January 2017 Massili-Ziga Water Development and Management Plan incubation AFRICA | Burkina Faso - Nakanbé basin - Massili Ziga territory Nakanbé Water Agency (AEN) • Water and climate change • Flooding • Risks The project is part of the measures to incubate projects for flood management, fighting erosion and preserving and maintaining water resources in the Nakanbé basin. Status report and diagnostics covering climatic impact on water management and water envi- ronments. Providing support when applying for and financing projects for adapting to climate change. August 2019 https://www.riob.org/fr/Incubation/GIRE-bas- sin-Massili-Ziga © OiEau