OiEau - International News
21 Incubating Nakanbé individual sanitation and agriculture projects AFRICA | Burkina Faso - Nakanbé basin Nakanbé Water Agency (AEN) • Water and climate change • Water resources management • Sewage • Drinking water The existing information collected on the impact of climate change is set out in parallel with local pro- jects to adapt to climate change, in the water and sanitation fields. Status report and diagnostics covering climatic impact on water management and water envi- ronments. Assisting local players in putting together and financing projects for adapting to climate change that, among others, make use of solutions to use waste water at the local level. May 2019 https://www.riob.org/fr/incubation/agro-ecolo- gie_bassin-Nakanbe Assistance to project managers in recruiting a private operator to reinforce the Hydrological Service in the Republic of Congo AFRICA | Republic of Congo Ministry of Development, Territorial Equipment and Major Works (MAETGT) and French Development Agency AFD • Risks • Water resources management The overall aim is to reinforce the mechanisms for producing data relating to hydrology and climate, including their use in planning urban development projects in the Republic of Congo. Assessing national hydrological and meteorolo- gical services. Performing a feasibility study. Assisting project managers. January 2016 Prior study for managing the Kou basin in Burkina Faso AFRICA | Burkina Faso - Hauts-Bassins region CIEDEL, F3E • Water resources management • Agriculture • Governance This prior study proposes an operational strategy for managing and protecting resources in the Kou basin, when faced with an organisational deficit and a lack of mobilisation on the part of the various stakeholders. Three aspects were touched on: water resource issues, agro-sylvo-pastoralism and institu- tional governance aspects. Assessing factors in the deterioration of the catch- ment basin situation. Designing technical, agricultural, institutional, environmental and financial solutions. November 2019 Incubating projects for adapting to climate change in the Senegal river basin AFRICA | Guinea | Mali | Mauritania | Senegal - Senegal River Basin Organisation for the Development of the Senegal River Basin (OMVS) • Water and agriculture • Water and climate change • Water resources management This project aims to see ambitious projects emerge for adapting to climate change in the Senegal river basin It also intends to encourage the implementa- tion of integrated water resources management by seeing the emergence of resource management tools. The resilience of the hydrographic basin will directly benefit the populations. Identifying requirements in terms of decision making tools, remote detection and water quality monitoring. Analysing ongoing projects in the basin. Identifying potential sources of funding as part of the Climate Finance initiative. December 2018 https://www.riob.org/fr/incubation
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