OiEau - International News
19 Functional analysis for Syndicat des Eaux du Soissonnais et Valois water utility authority and recommendations for improving efficiency EUROPE | France - Courmelles (02) Syndicat des Eaux du Soissonnais et Valois • Sewage treatment and drinking water • Service management This is an organisational, administrative and tech- nical improvement project for the application of the authority's powers. The latter defines the human resources and expertise required. Functional analysis of the existing operation. Recommendations and action plans for the short and medium terms. January 2021 Tenth technical assessment of information on the implementation of Council Directive 91/271/EEC (SIIF 5) EUROPE European Commission, Environment DG • Sewage Assessing data reported in virtue of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD 91/271/EEC), through the SIIF-ERU platforms developed by IOWa- ter. As part of the tenth reporting on the implementation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive: Technical assistance in assessing legal com- pliance by every member state, relating to their implementation of the directive. A ssessing the responses to legal requests by the Commission sent to the member states that have not met their obligations under the terms of the Directive. Developing tools for analysing and assessing data. September 2018 https://uwwtd.eu © OiEau Incubation of a climate change adaptation project in the Sanaga basin AFRICA | Cameroon - Sanaga River Basin AERM • Water resource management The development of an adaptation strategy to global changes on water resources (quantity and quality) in the Sanaga basin is an imperative necessity. The contribution to the implementation of IntegratedWater Resources Management (IWRM) mechanisms, in particular with the involvement of the different water users, feeds this strategy. Assessment and diagnosis of the impacts of climate change. Development of a resource management strategy. Support in setting up and financing the projects to be implemented. November 2019 https://www.riob.org/fr/incubation/GIRE-bas- sin-Sanaga
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