OiEau - International News
17 Urban wastewater treatment: regulation, rehabilitation, design- sizing, safety, operation, management of WWTPs (Wastewater Treatment Plants) On average, in 3 years: more than 1860 professionals trained The current objectives of reducing point-source and diffuse pollution and pollution linked to the presence of micro-pollutants in aquatic environments require a good knowledge and better control of effluent treatment processes. The La Souterraine site has teaching facilities that are representative of urban and industrial wastewa- ter treatment: a physico-chemical treatment plant, an activated sludge treatment plant with 500 PE, a microscopy room, and a water and sludge analysis laboratory. Water in industry: water cycle, regulations, industrial clean water, industrial effluent treatment and surface treatment detoxification On average, in 3 years: over 560 professionals trained From process water treatment to effluent repro- cessing, these training courses enable industrial companies to train their staff to improve and optimise the operation of their water installations and thus secure their production. The various stages of wastewater and sludge treat- ment can be observed, implemented and tested in treatment units, specific platforms and laboratories. Waste: treatment and recovery, maintenance, health and safety, environment, sustainable development On average, in 3 years: over 370 professionals trained These training courses include topics as diverse as service management, collection and sorting, waste recovery, safety at work, transport of dangerous goods, polluted sites and soils, etc. OiEau uses field situations to complement these platforms: Waste platform Sorting platform Pollution characterisation laboratory Discovery jobs : Sanitation, Drinking water, Industry, Services, Environments On average, in 3 years: over 200 professionals trained Participation in these training courses gives the opportunity to: • to acquire the basic principles and vocabulary of the large and small water cycle, • to build a "job" culture, • to discover and visualise "typical" installations, to handle various materials used by your colleagues or clients in the field. These training courses are an opportunity to visit installations in operation, to handle professional equipment, to visualise theoretical concepts and more or less complex processes in a simple and didactic way. © Pixabay
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