OiEau - International News
11 Supporting the integrated and shared management of data on water usage and resources for the cross-border Chu river basin ASIA | Kirghizistan | Kazakhstan | Chu river basin • Developing information systems • Water resources management Developing dynamic maps (web mapping) and interactive diagrams and placing them on-line and allow their access via tablet. A utomatic calculations for summaries or compa- rative analyses. Modules for downloading datasets. December 2013 Ministry for water resources, SDC Making available to the public and using data that is hard to access on the status of water resources ensures that, at the cross-border basin level, it is possible to better federate stakeholders around the challenges of integrated and shared management. Reinforcing water information systems for the Chu-Talas river basins ASIA | Kirghizistan | Kazakhstan | Chu-Talas river basins • A griculture • Information systems Complete modernisation of the bottom-up planning of water demand for irrigation and of the top down water distribution system based on supply, in the Chu-Talas river basins. Digitising and automating the accounting proce- dures in place. December 2016 Hydrosolutions Improving the procedures for managing and sharing data on water with on-line monitoring and access to new information services (reports, indicators, bulletins, maps) dedicated to agricultural practices. BIO - PLATEAUX LATIN AMERICA | Brazil | France | Suriname | The Maroni and Oyapock catchment basins Guyana Water Office, DEAL, CNES, CTG • Water resources management • Support - Assistance and Consulting BIO-PLATEAUX (2019-2021) aims to ensure that French Guyana and its neighbours Brazil and Suri- name share information on water and biodiversity associated with aquatic environments. Especially the catchment basins of the Oyapock and Maroni rivers. It aims to better understand resources and uses as well as the impacts involved across the shared catchment basins. Carrying the project as a recognised public non-pro- fit, tasked with implementing the activities from a technical and financial point of view. Facilitating international exchanges. July 2019 https://www.bio-plateaux.org/fr Smart.met EUROPE | Belgium | France | Hungary | Italy | Spain European Commission / Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology / Mobility and intelligent habitats • Sewage • Drinking water • Information systems Developing new technologies for collecting and managing data from smart meters though a pre-com- mercial procurement (PCP) procedure. Project coordination. Thinking about ethical demands (project manual report, reports, recommendations on interopera- bility, standardisation). June 2016 https://www.smart-met.eu/
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