5 SUPPORT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF IWRM IN THE MOUHOUN RIVER BASIN Project stakeholders National partner Mouhoun Water Agency (AEM) Project team Experts: S. Barreau, Z. Dupérier, G. Kaboré, H. Merrien AESN experts: A. Belbeoc’h, R. Genoel, E. Marquès Project leader: C. Brachet Key information Location West Africa Mouhoun River Basin, Samendéni-Sourou SAGE Key words IWRM, Mouhoun, WIS, Samendéni-Sourou SAGE, Sustainable financing, Local water committee Objectives Consolidation of IWRM governance and planning in a context of adaptation to the impacts of climate change; support for the development of the Samendéni-Sourou SAGE, water data management at the Mouhoun Basin level; sustainable financing mechanisms Implementation schedule 2018-2020: phase III Project financed by Seine-Normandie Water Agency Outcomes and prospects Main current results Phase 3 of the project consolidated the operationalisation of IWRM principles in the logic of practical implementation of field activities. Technical support was provided to consolidate governance and planning of water resources management in the basin in a context of adaptation to the impacts of climate change. In particular, the activities focused strategically and as a priority on supporting the development of the Samendéni-Sourou SAGE. Detailed project description The Mouhoun Water Agency (AEM) and the Seine- Normandie Water Agency (AESN) signed in 2013 and renewed in 2017 a cooperation agreement for the development of joint actions in the field of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and decentralised cooperation. This protocol promotes: "exchange and technical cooperation between the two signatory parties in the area of IWRM and decentralised cooperation, based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit, and concerted efforts to create and implement programmes, projects and joint actions". In continuity with previous activities, priority was given in phase 3 to supporting the future Samendéni-Sourou Water Development and Management Scheme (SAGE), covering part of the Boucle du Mouhoun and including two dams of national importance: Samendéni (1.05 billion m3 ) as well as the historic Sourou dam (600 million m3). Fatimata BARRO/SANOGO - Director of Technical Support, Partnership and Cooperation (DAT/PC) - AEM: What are the challenges of the Samendéni-Sourou SAGE? «The region of the Samendéni-Sourou SAGE is a growth area and is strategic because of the connection between the two water basins.The SAGE development process is in progress. It must also enable the coordination of water users' interventions and the protection of the resource. It is with the commitment of all the stakeholders and the coherence of their actions that the objectives identified by the SAGE will be able to generate the expected results in the territory. Communication on the SAGE development and implementation process is therefore a key element, for its collective ownership by the Local Water Committees and other stakeholders. The identification of complementary stakeholders and their involvement in the SAGE development and implementation process is also an important challenge». Focus on Phase 3 of the project led to several achievements: support to the Mouhoun Water Agency technical nucleus for the development of the Samendéni-Sourou SAGE, organisation of thematic training courses for capacity building of the General Directorate of the Mouhoun Water Agency, Local Water Committees, Basin Committee and Administrative Board, contribution to actions at regional level in West Africa for the organisation of frameworks for dialogue and experience sharing with Benin and Togo (Mono River Basin) and Senegal. Prospects Phase 4 of the project started in January 2021 with the kick-off meeting of the institutional projects for IWRM in the Mouhoun and Nakanbé basins, with the representation of the General Directorates of the Mouhoun and Nakanbé Water Agencies, the Seine-Normandie and Loire-Bretagne Water Agencies (partner of the Institutional Cooperation Programme for IWRM in the Nakanbé basin) and the International Office for Water. Phase 4 will focus on the restoration of streams and fragile ecosystems (wetlands) and the dissemination of resilient practices for resource management. BURKINA FASO 5