SUPPORT FOR THE IWRM APPROACH ON THE STUNG SEN RIVER PILOT BASIN Project stakeholders National partner Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM) Tonle Sap Authority (TSA) Project team Experts: A. Bernard, R. Boyer, C. Bordessoule (VIE), A. Guittard (Regional representative) AELB experts: H. Gilliard, S. Lelchat, D. Morabito AERM experts: D. Bourmaud Project leader: B. Dhont Key information Location Tonle Sap lake basin Stung Sen (pilot) river basin (16 266km²) Key words IWRM, Basin Committee, Training, WIS Objectives Development of IWRM in the Stung Sen river basin with the creation and coordination of a basin committee and associated working groups. Training of trainers and decision making support with the production of maps, surveys and hydrological studies. Implementation schedule 2019-2021: Phase IV Project financed by Loire-Bretagne Water Agency Rhine-Meuse Water Agency Outcomes and prospects Main current results Detailed project description A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between France and Cambodia, specifically between MOWRAM, TSA and OiEau in 2012 on the theme of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). With funding from the Rhine-Meuse and Loire- Bretagne Water Agencies, the Stung Sen sub-basin, the main tributary of the Tonle Sap lake, has been selected to be the pilot basin to support the Cambodian institutions in the implementation of a river basin management policy. The purpose of this MoU is to promote exchanges and cooperation between the signatory parties in the field of water management. The project activities focus on the following areas:  Institutional support and training for water management at basin level;  Organisation and valorisation of data;  Coordination of solidarity actions for access to drinking water in the basin;  Study for the implementation of the "polluter pays" principle. The partnership, operated by OiEau and through links at different scales with the TSA and MOWRAM teams, has enabled key products to be developed for each of the main components of the project. Voitna PRAK (ENGEES student): « These studies in France allow me to develop my knowledge in hydrogeology, with quantitative [...] and qualitative notions (water quality parameters, catchment areas). I will use these notions to apply them in Cambodia as part of my work, while passing on these practices to my colleagues so that they can apply them in turn. » This year, the training component of the project took a new turn with the arrival in France of Voitna Prak who started a GeBAC master at the ENGEES in Strasbourg. In addition, hydrological studies have been produced on the Tonle Sap sub-basins to determine the quantitative issues in the region, particularly in view of the evolving duration and severity of low –flow periods. Focus on This 4th phase is an opportunity to continue work and reflection on the filling of the dashboard for monitoring the implementation of the basin action programme. Its updating on the basis of available information and current activities on the basin is guided by TSA with the support of agency experts and OiEau representatives. Once completed, the dashboard will allow for a better perspective on the programme and its implementation to prepare the actions of the next programme. Perspectives After 9 years of joint implementation of the project (4 phases), it is proposed to continue the partnership by boosting the Basin Executive Committee (BEC) and its working groups with the support of a local coordinator. The latter has also conducted field surveys on access to drinking water in the basin. These results will be processed with the relevant working groups and the BEC to identify the criteria for selecting villages for future drinking water supply projects in the basin. 18 CAMBODIA