3 SUPPORT TO THE NATIONAL WATER AUTHORITY Project stakeholders National partner National Water Authority (ANA) Project team Experts: N. Bourlon, P. Frenel. Project leader: A. Bernard. Key information Location National scale Quilca-Chili river basin Key words Governance, Adaptation to climate change, Polluter pays and user pays principles, WIS. Objectives Support to ANA in the consolidation of its economic incentive tools; planning methodology; interoperability of information systems Implementation schedule 2019-2020 Project financed by Artois-Picardie Water Agency Detailed project description The exchanges developed allowed to address the main strategic themes that could help the ANA in a re-orientation of its path, taking more into account climate change adaptation and governance challenges, while mobilising the financial resources generated by fees ("retribución económica"). These exchanges led to initial recommendations on possible areas of cooperation on climate adaptation, the need for interoperability between the information systems of the various data producers, capacity building of ANA staff, regional basin plans and economic incentive tools. Maps of the Quilca-Chili river basin © ANA Outcomes and prospects Main current results The exchanges highlighted the need for a more proactive and dynamic ANA policy to reach the IWRM objectives in the context of strong pressures resulting from repeated and extreme climate events (e.g. coastal El Niño event in early 2017). One of the operational conclusions is that the management tools available to the ANA should be mobilised for a more effective results-based policy, while the current policy continues to develop in a means-oriented manner, too static. Focus on Regarding the fees, OiEau continues to recommend at least partial redistribution of the covered amounts, in order to concretely improve "the protection of quality, the increase in the availability of water resources and the conservation of water production sources, as well as integrated water management in the least-favoured river basins and the preservation of upstream resources". However, these revenues are still exclusively intended for the operating costs of the ANA at the central and decentralised levels. Prospects Funding seeks for continued support in 2021-2022: Project for modernisation of Integrated Water Resources Management (World Bank) and others. 16 PERU
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