Transboundary River Basin Management of the Körös/Crisuri River, a Tisza/Tisa sub-basin “Assistance with the set-up of tools for the control and management of the transboundary Körös/Crisuri Basin
The main project objective was the introduction of mechanisms to strengthen dialogue and cooperation at regional level and international level including through cooperative work structuring and data management. Two main outputs were delivered: the preparation of a transboundary watershed contingency plan in case of accidental water pollution, and above all the development of a pilot transboundary river basin management plan following the required of the WFD which is used as model for the Danube basin. The project permitted the implementation of a management structure to organize the work in the two national parts of the river basin. The work has covered all the main aspects scheduled in the WFD and was organised to focus on the main water issues of the Körös/Crisuri basin including flood management as the measures on hydromorphology as indisputably a strong impact for reaching the good status. It has included:
• The planning and coordination of the different steps toward the fulfilment of the WFD objectives
• Refining the risk analysis of not reaching the good status integrating the projection of trends up to 2015 (Baseline Senario)
• Determination of the main water issues used as link between the basin characterisation and the programme of measures
• The preparation of the monitoring programme for surface and sub-surface waters including an harmonization in the groundwater bodies delineation, good status definition and surveillance monitoring programme establishment
• Preparation of a draft programme of measure on an elementary planning unit
• Pressure-Impact modelling to support decision making in the selection of appropriate measures
• The use of economical analysis from the cost recovery analysis to the selection of the best measures
• Public participation including public consultation test on the main water issues on both national part of the basin
The different methodologies used for the implementation of the different steps on the overall planning process was compile into a guidance document.
• Accidental water pollution:Preparation of harmonised Water Contingency Plan (WCP) for the Körös/Crisuri basin
• Specification for supply of response tool adapted to Romania conditions
Data management:
• Preparation of common thematic maps (8 to illustrate the WCP, 15 for the basin Characterisation and for the Prog. of Measures).
• Development of a web mapping tool.
• Report on difficulties encountered by HU and RO representatives for layers harmonization.
• Setting up of and development of the KOCRIS metadata catalogue with internet access (120 data sources uploaded by the countries).
• Report including the assessment of surface water monitoring system in HU and RO and trainings (Quality management for water analysis; Blank audit on quality management of the two main water quality analysis laboratories; Common 2-day training on biological elements sampling methods including practical exercise
• Harmonisation of delineation criteria for ground water bodies (GWBs) and Characterisation including: preparation of geological trans section across the border, preparation of piezometric maps to better know the ground water direction flow in the GWBs, preliminary assessment of the groundwater chemical and quantitative status,
Preparation of a programme of measures on Sebes Körös/Crisuri:
• Determination of the basin main issues including stakeholders’ views.
• Organisation of a public participation consultation test including the preparation of adapted communication supports.
• Structuring and development of the Measures and Cost general Database,
• Determination of the measures to be implemented in every sectors (urban, agriculture, industry, hydromorphology) to meet the objectives
• Modelling of the measures impact, to check the WBs quality foreseen after PoM implementation
• Presentation of the final objectives for the basin WBs
Economical analysis:
• Development of methodology to integrate a baseline scenario in the river basin management planning process
• Presentation of the economical analysis to check the cost-efficiency
• Development of methodology to test the affordability of the PoM