The objective was to contribute to reduced marine pollution and a sustainable use of scarce water resources in the Mediterranean Region with emphasis on the following Neighbourhood South Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine* and Tunisia). Driven by the regional context governed by the UfM Ministerial Declaration, the Barcelona Convention and the H2020 Initiative, the project developed a demand-driven mechanism to respond to the Partner Countries’ needs and assist in the achievement of the Countries’ goals related to reduced marine pollution and sustainable use of scarce water resources. For the water management component, its main elements were the following: Assessment of Water Resources’ Vulnerability and Related Risks; Decentralised Water Management & Growth; Sustainable Options & Interventions; Water Valuation; Ecosystem Approaches in IWRM.
The project organises:
- 14 regional or su-regional training sessions
- 51 national technical assistance activities
- 6 study tours
- 10 peer to peer activities
- 4 webminars
- 5 good practices and success stories
SEMIDE took part in Water component of the support mechanism, in close relation with the main project office and water key expert for :
- Defining and providing technical assistance to countries
Protection of the water resources against pollution in Algeria
Support for the development of a rural sanitation strategy in Tunisia
Strengthening groundwater management to reduce overexploitation and pollution of groundwater resources in Tunisia
Improving watershed management (support to decentralization), local governance and participatory approaches in Morocco (preparation of legislative and regulatory texts on 3 topics: drought management, hydraulic public domain, desalination)
- Defining and organising dedicated sessions during reginoal training seminars and study tours
- Decetralised water management (Bussels-2017, Vienna 2018)
- Reuse of traited waste water (Athens 2018),
- Participation in Steering Committee meetings
- Review translation and/or editing of projects documents in French