Appui technique à la mise en oeuvre de la politique de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau au Sénégal - Phase 2
Since the early 2000s, Senegal has been committed to an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) policy in order to meet the growing demand for water linked to economic and demographic development in a context of vulnerability to climate change. In that respect, in parallel with the process of reforming the Water Code, the Directorate for Water Resources Management and Planning (DGPRE) of the Ministry of Water and Sanitation has developed various tools, including the Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management (PAGIRE). The resulting priority action programme enabled to prepare the Strategic Water Resources Mobilisation Plan (SWRMP), leading to the division of the national territory into 5 Management and Planning Units (PMUs) and 28 sub-units. For each sub-PMU, a framework for dialogue (Sub-Committee for Water Resources Management and Planning - SCGPE of Somone) and a Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP) are due to be established to ensure a rational and sustainable use of the resource that is equitable between the different categories of users. It is in this context that the Seine-Normandy Water Agency and OiEau have been providing technical and institutional support to the DGPRE since 2019 for the implementation of IWRM through a pilot experiment in the Somone Sub-PMU.
Phase 2 of the project "Technical support for the implementation of the Integrated Water Resources Management policy in Senegal" aims to continue the work carried out in 2019-2020 (phase 1) with the DGPRE on the governance, planning and information system components, and to add support for the scaling up and good synergy between local and national IWRM policies. The activities of the different components will be implemented through technical and methodological support to the DGPRE, either in the facilitation of the SCGPE (pilot experience of the pilot river basin) or in the elaboration and implementation of the national IWRM policy.
- Component 1: Governance
Specific objective: To support the establishment and facilitation of a functional governance framework in the Somone pilot basin
- Component 2: Planning
Specific objective: Strengthen water resources planning in the Somone pilot basin
- Component 3: Knowledge
Specific objective: Support the valorisation and dissemination of knowledge on water resources
- Component 4: Scaling up
Specific objective: To support the replication and scaling up of the Somone basin pilot experience and the good linkages between the different IWRM instruments