Feasibility Study for Establishment Training Centre for Water & Provision Technical Specifications - Palestine
Both the quality and the quantity of the water available in the Palestinian territories are inadequate. Ineffective structures are leading to disorganised use and administrative shortcomings. Poor wastewater treatment is further jeopardising the scarce water resources. Major environmental pollution and health risks for the population are the consequences.
The capacity of the relevant institutions to manage and provide services in the water sector is key success to address the water sector issues, and the enhancement of competencies (knowledge and skills) of employees is crucial to achieve this strategy.
In the framework of bilateral cooperation between France and Palestine, a Feasibility Study was implemented for the establishment of a Training Centre for Water in the West Bank, including the provision of technical specifications relating to training facilities.
In full cooperation with the PWA Training and Development Directorate, the IOWater experts realised first a review of existing training resources and providers, followed by a comprehensive assessment of training needs including an evaluation of total staff concerned (around 5,000 employees) and a review of training activities.
Based on these fundamentals, the IOWater developed the main components enabling the establishment of a Water Training Centre in Palestine: business organisational chart, business processes, training offer and services, training facilities and related technical specifications, budget for investments (construction & equipments), business plan, and economics features.